Monday, May 28, 2007

My holiday is over

Due to the complicated, byzantine nature of the webcomic game, while you continue to enjoy some beautiful guest comics by my friends in art, my little break is over. That it should end on a bank holiday is particularly cruel, but since I scheduled it myself, I don't think I can take local government to task.


I V said...
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polianitsa said...

Apparently the island nation of Malta has heard your woe and thinks you need to take another holiday. Don't do it, resist their siren song! The guest comics have been lovely but nothing beats 100% real Scary Go Round.

John A said...

Maaaaaaalta... Maaaaaaaaaaaaaltaaaaaaa

Joel said...

Do you think I could start a webcomic that is entirely guest strips? Maybe with one week a year where I fill-in? I cannot see a flaw in that plan.

Tshen2 said...

Let's say you have 358 friends, one for every guest strip day of the year. Now imagine yourself having to produce guest strips for them in return as a sign of friendship. 358 guest strips a year. Unless your definition of 'guest' is 'slave' or 'illegal immigrant'.

Joel said...

Once again mathematics puts a brilliant scheme in a sack and throws it into the river of reality.