Here's what I came up with, I'll put these on sale later this week. Maybe no one will want them, but I like to think design-wise they have a certain something.
My thinking on this one was that rice and pasta are basically enemies, rice has strength in numbers, but that lone grain of rice on the pantry shelf is easy meat.
Certain aesthetic choices were made here that I hope please and do not offend.
Man! That is one angry skein of yarn! CROCHET NOW! I try and I try, but I still have not finished crocheting those danged scarves I promised my friends for Christmas. My mother was wrong. It is not a genetically passed on skill. That shirt will be perfect for her.
Every time I satisfy myself by buying a t shirt that I've wanted for ages and have been trying to justify spending the money on, you bring out one I want even MORE.
You are a major source of my bank-related doubt, Mr. J. A.
But luckily, it's in an excellent way. Rice vs. Pasta looks set to be a WINNER in the game of LIFE.
Michelle; I respectfully disagree. Crochet is the one true needlecraft. I anxiously await my t-shirt so that I can wear it on many crocheting occasions.
Asians vs. Italians?
Oh nice! That's two accusations of bigotry in one week!
Man! That is one angry skein of yarn! CROCHET NOW!
I try and I try, but I still have not finished crocheting those danged scarves I promised my friends for Christmas. My mother was wrong. It is not a genetically passed on skill. That shirt will be perfect for her.
Every time I satisfy myself by buying a t shirt that I've wanted for ages and have been trying to justify spending the money on, you bring out one I want even MORE.
You are a major source of my bank-related doubt, Mr. J. A.
But luckily, it's in an excellent way. Rice vs. Pasta looks set to be a WINNER in the game of LIFE.
If you really want to make a t-shirt that sells, you should make it knitting-, rather than crochet-, related. There's a battle for the ages.
Michelle; I respectfully disagree. Crochet is the one true needlecraft. I anxiously await my t-shirt so that I can wear it on many crocheting occasions.
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