Sunday, June 19, 2005

NME Chart Mediawatch

Sometimes I like to watch the NME Chart Show, a kind of viewer-voted list of records that is on MTV2. Obviously, I agree with some songs and disagree with others. Whenever I start wondering how anyone could raise their dander for a third generation copy of Interpol*, I stab myself in the arm with a pencil, because not everyone is as OLD and JADED as me.

ROCK FACT: Jack White's new and fancy ginger wife Karen Elson went to school in Chadderton, mere streets away from my house.
ROCK LIE: Jack and Karen are always round my house eating my pies.

* All the rage I feel about the existence of Interpol is dispersed because the Interpol $$$ keep Matador Records in pies.


Roman said...

Mitch Miller went to East High School here in Rochester, around the corner and down the way from my house. Wow! Mitch Miller!

John A said...

Nate, I don't think Interpol's songs are meant to make anybody smile. You're meant to be frowning, or they've failed.