New badges for Thought Bubble next weekend! I took five t-shirt ideas that didn't really turn out (although I imagine that any of these would have proved more popular than poor old Enviro-Cat) and made dang old durn tootin' buttons from them. I like their simplicity!
My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My
I like them, will you be selling them from the site?
Now might be the time for something like that, yes!
I cannot adequately express how much I love these. You better sell them online or else I just may have to fly to jolly old England and burgle you.
The 'wasp' one is especially great considering how much fun I can now have with my local white anglo-saxon protestants.
I love them. I have always felt a deep, soulful connection with badgers.
As an attendee of University of Wisconsin, Madison (The Badgers, so named for our welsh lead-mining ancestors), I would be VERY interested in the Badger buttons at the LEAST, my good sir!
This may be the perfect vehicle for "Insect Police" and "Sensative Intellectual."
Mint, I reckon ill have to by them all from Thought Bubble next week and pin them to various parts of my cosplay costume!
Poor enviro-cat. I love him, anyway.
Thanks guys! I'm really taken with Gorilla On A Hanglider, I wish I could put him to more lucrative use.
Oh, insect police is genius.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
I am very pleased that BADGEr attack is on a BADGE. Well done indeed.
1) yes, please, for the badges
2) i would buy the enviro-cat tshirt if it was not my second worst colour
i'd buy the enviro-cat shirt - it's brilliant!...but i will not buy another short sleeved ill fitting american apparel shirt for any money. i've got 6 that i adore that i just can't wear - i can't even get the sheriff pony one on, and i so adore that shirt!
everyone else is selling aa shirts, so it seems like the smell of success, i get it. but when everyone's selling the exact same thing, people who don't want that one thing (or who in truth despise it with a passion) are shut out from buying at all. i am not complaining - it's not like i need more t-shirt style shirts. but...i would buy them if someone offered something different. i think it's truly odd that nobody does.
you have started something of a addiction within me for your sweet sweet badges Mr Allison, you should be ashamed! and what makes matters worse I cant make thoughbubble as I have stupid work that day, its giving me the shakes just thinking about it. curse you and your fantastical merchandise..ical!
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