I'm clearing out Scary Go Round shirts with a huge $8 mystery sale in the Diesel Sweeties store. I think we found some of almost every discontinued design! Here's the link, see what you think!
My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My Last.fm
Mr Allison, the link to the forums from the main page is gone... and in the forums themselves, every post and topic is gone, as well as the SGR subforum containing older discussions. Can you tell us what happened? Did we do something wrong? T_T
I returned home from SPX to find the forum full of posts from new posters complaining that the new comic, after four strips, was kind of terrible. In my exhausted state I can only describe the ensuing five minutes as a kind of irrational apocalypse following which there were no forums. I apologise to the regular forum members who were nice people and blameless.
Well, I'm a bit upset but I sympathize. The worst fear of every artist I know is of getting a negative reaction. Internally I am more afraid of it than death (which I know is silly) and it caused me to fail a creative writing class. Just know that the majority of your readers still love you and your comics and we, too, wore frowns too when reading the "I don't like it after four strips" comments.
I never played on the forums but if I had, I would have told you there that I love the new comic. Of course, my comments would have been wiped out in the apocalypse, so it's probably best that I say it here. New comic rocks.
No, come to the forums anyway arborealprimate - not that Mr Allison needs any cheerleaders, I'm sure, but positive feedback is always a boon. I think our problem on the forum is that people are a little too polite, and perhaps could have been a little more vociferous in their "oh for goodness sake!"-ness (myself included)...
I saw those forum comments and didn't respond.... or register on the forum. Those comments were madness I tell you! I loved Scary Go Round. It took me a while to warm to it after enjoying Bobbins so much, but even though at first I didn't think it was as good (and I was so so wrong) I'd have thought it a horrible stupid thing to say "Well you've lost me as a reader".
I loved the character reintrodctions and I'm excited to see what direction this comic will take. Thanks for all the great comics.
I am enjoying the new comics also. Ryan+beard is enhancing them even further. If comrade bat makes an appearance at any stage I might implode.
In a cunning segue:
I also like this shirty deal. I have ordered two. I look forward to being surprised.
I was going to go for the T-shirt offer but then I saw the cost of the shipping. Ouch!
Enjoying the new comic. Keep up the good work.
Are the 1800-beard shirts still on order?
It's just that I still haven't gotten a shirt that I ordered on the fifth of August, and it saddens me, because as a lady I like to provide people with a chance to provide feedback on the state of my beard.
Also, I like the new comic, the people who don't can suck it.
Send me an email marked SGR ENQUIRY at john@scarygoround.com, there's nothing I can do for you on this matter in the blogosphere. We have shipped almost right up to date so I will check while I am still here in the USA.
Just chiming in to say I'm really digging the comic so far. ^_^ The sudden upswing in naysayers is really bizarre, considering that the new comic shares characters with SGR, and has kept the same lovely art style and fun dialogue.
John: I am saddened by the loss of the crazy archives of forum stuff, but I understand why you did it.
I really like the new comic, though!
Also: Please preserve the SGR ranks of members. Newbies can be baffled as to why there are Milfords and Desmond Fishmans posting about.
Somehow I managed to forget about the forums entirely; I only have a vague memory of dumbrella forums and even then I don't know if I'm making it up! What have I been missing out on all this time?!
I want an Amy Acker shirt (I don't know why I didn't buy it in the first place) but I don't think that the chances of my getting one are very good alas. I may need to sleep on this one.
Missed this by a full 31 minutes. Drat and pshaw.
I am stunned & astonished at the forum response! (OK not really. People are jerks on internet)
John, anyone who tries to change horses now wasn't really in the game. You're doing fantastic work as always.
Oh--and no one replied to the "your comics are terribad etc" posts because we are polite people. Red_Dog has nailed my motivation on the head. Why give credence & dignify a bunch of loonies?
I hate Trolls and just plain mean people.
I have enjoyed SGR and I will miss Shelley (gingers unite!), but so far I have seen a lot of promise from this new comic. It has lit a flame and insured further visits from me.
i like phoenix like renewals!
I like the new comic a lot. I think it will probably be better.
However, I'm slightly concerned by the way that the child in the bottom left of todays comic ( with Mr Bough ) appears to be Gordon Brown.
Hi John,
My first ever post to say that I'm loving the new series! Don't change a thing.
Yours enthusiastically,
regarding your new website for BAD MACHINERY... you are noticeably missing links for "FIRST COMIC" and "CURRENT COMIC". The navigation only moves to Previous and Next.
Just thought I'd point it out in case you wanted to add those links somewhere to the page.
I haven't read Scary Go Round, so I'm coming into Bad Machinery fresh, and I've really enjoyed it so far. The pacing seems perfectly fine, too. I don't find it slow at all, especially considering how often the comic updates. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all takes shape.
I'm also commenting because I was curious about something on the main page.
"I spent nine months setting up these characters in the last Scary Go Round stories so that it wouldn't feel alien and new."
Which stories/chapters are these specifically, and how important are they to understanding or enjoying the current comic?
This is what happens when I don't look at a comic for *one day*. I miss out on goodies!
Already I believe Mr Bough has the potential to be your greatest character yet. He is the essence of history teacher, distilled into one man.
I like the new comic so far, I don't think it's really fair to judge it so harshly when the plot hasn't kicked in yet.
Sean: Lottie and Shauna are featured in the last chapter, "Goodbye", though they appear earlier.
Personally, though, I recommend you start at chapter 1, "The Gas", and click Next until the sun comes up.
I never used the forums but if I had, all my posts would have said "ARE YOU KIDDING WHAT CAN YOU POSSIBLY COMPLAIN ABOUT HERE." I love the new coloring style, the art, the characters, even the font. (Not to mention this is only the preamble.) So don't change a thing! It's great.
As a "Mister Hough", I can relate to having a name that can be pronounced fourteen different ways and still be considered within the bounds of the Queen's English.
But I rhyme it with 'rough' and 'tough', like me!
And iwill read whatever comic you care to draw! You've got skills!
Thanks for the support everybody.
I left the "first comic" and "current comic" links off on purpose. You can get back to the first comic of the current story using the story link under the logo.
Bad Machinery is O for Orsum. I say this as an expert, having witnessed many awesome things in my time.
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