"New comic is called BAD MACHINERY"
"It is not about robuts! BLASPHEMY!"
"It takes place three years after end of Scary Go Round YES THE FUTURE"
"Mr John Allison does not know what the future will be like so he draws it exactly like the present day: HE IS A HERETIC"
"It features HOT NEW ART STYLINGS such as a new font and a new colouring technique which seems like it would take LESS TIME but DOESN'T"
"Due to schedule miscalculations Mr John Allison finished the website on SATURDAY AFTERNOON but has been too busy to make the TWO SMALL GRAPHICS needed to make it live"
"First story entitled "THE LONG PREAMBLE" lasts three weeks, all future stories last a robut-mandated 100 episodes: THE MOST DECIMAL WEBCOMIC EVER"
"New comic does not feature Shelley Winters except at Christmas, GINGER NINJA RETURNS IN DESTROY HISTORY when time allows"
"STEAMPUNK IS BEST ask Wozzle Ezzle etc"
Nemulon is loosely based on Steve Jobs
He also appears to be based on my innermost desires.
I am excited for this new comic. The excitement is barely contained. I may burst.
I was led to believe the new comic would be called Babs McChinnery! Someone's been pulling my leg.
This will not stand!
You say it's not robots, but I bet that R. Stevens is looking a bit nervous...
I wondered what the Twitter handle was referencing.
So, three years on Desmond Fishman has gone all huge and 'zilla and is rampaging through West Yorkshire, right?
Oh, sorry, I thoguht you said "Bad man-FISHERY"! My mistake.
Robots! Thank you! Continue rocking my world! (exclamation marks denote imperatives)
p.s. Wait! Not Robots!? Now I am not so sure about the world!
With this news I predict a revival of my "Robotania" T-shirt as a de-rigeur item of clothing for which the kids are, once again, crazy.
If Scary Go Round ended in present day (2009), does this mean this new comic will be set in 2012?
Set in the futuristic age of London Olympics and run up to Obama's second term? Also the year that the Mayans and Roland Emmerich will say the world will end.
Is your comic going to be about the world ending, John? That'd be neat, but where will you go from there?
I'm not sure about this John. I'm not sure about this at all.
EeeeeEEE! I'm excited.
Wow. Do you have any idea how silly of a pulp-fiction comic you could make? With silly Nazis and steampunk airships?
... my mind is destroyed good sir. Positively destroyed.
Cool! Cool!
Depending on how steampunk you go you may attract the (shrill arsehat) Corey Doctorow of BoingBoing.net and their minions to viewership. Try to pay no mind however they're so delusional they think steam could [have?] powered, say, calculators, or robot birds. Still viewers + ??? = profit... er, something.
Sorry, Nemulon thinks steampunk is best, I don't know anything about it at all! I figure it is space rockets with chimleys and such.
Steve Jobs is a wannabe steampunk - suddenly things make so much more sense.
I look forward to BAD MACHINERY!
I can hardly wait for the obligatory X-Men/Nemulon cross-over series to follow!!!
Fact 1: Nemulon is a robut.
Fact 2: Robuts use binary numbers.
Fact 3: Robuts' purpose is to maim or kill humans. Barring that, they like to play tricks on them.
Conclusion: When Nemulon says that stories will last "100" episodes, he really means 4. The decimal bit was just a red herring.
I'd like to take this opportunity to praise Mr. Allison for his bold new minimalist storytelling experiment.
i was willing to accept "Babs McChinnery," but am honestly more excited at the prospect of this "Bad Machinery." WAITAMINUTE THEY'RE HOMOPHONESish!!!
Were you to be wondering, this is what Steampunk sounds like. This may be my mental soundtrack to Nemulon.
He was trying to tell us the whole time and we failed him! Why didn't we listen‽ Please forgive us John!
Where is the forum? Is the forum going away to forum heaven?
I think that discussion of a comic with one strip in the archive could be a little claustrophobic, don't you? I'll reinstitute the forum in a few weeks (failing accidents).
I could've sworn it said the "yam proper" on the main site.
And there was me hoping for Unicorn Mcgee and Catty Cats-a-lot.
Mr. Allison will you still be answering the extra questions in the comments of last Friday's entry, some of them resembled decent inquiries
If not that is okay I will still love you John Allison
I ^&*#ing love the blue, red, and black 'Bad Machinery' with the little hand. I don't know why. It is irrational. I just think it looks fantastic. Is it wrong to love text so? I hope that it is not.
nemulon the teenage ro-but
your command!
The Future amazes.
Oh wait, that's not the new comic AT ALL.
I will answer those questions but it might take me a couple of weeks as I have expended every drop of man strength wrangling the new comic into life and I must fly to the American States on Monday!
Can we still use the old forum to talk about the old comic please? Because, like, you know, we'd like to...
I imagine Nemulon speaking like David Bowie. Come on, you know you do too.
New comic looks promising. I like the slightly different look and new typeface - gives it a real sense of something new.
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