Around Manchester there is a kind a of man, he is perhaps 37-43 years old, he is wearing a duffel coat of some sort zipped up to his chin in the style of 1989-1998, his hair looks unwashed and there is a short fringe. Like the last remaining teddy boys in the 1960s or the tragic, dislocated British punk of 1987, they are the ghosts of a long dead movement. The man I am speaking of is categorised henceforward as ANORAKULA!

There is nothing wrong with this of course, let men be men in their own way. But has Anorakula been spotted outside Greater Manchester/Cheshire (many have migrated outwards to raise their chicks)? Are you an Anorakula?
Key Anorakulae:
All of Elbow except Guy Garvey (he wears a suit jacket)
Terry Christian
I think one of the guys at work is a specimen of Anorakula americanis.
I do know men like this! It is very funny! I used to teach with one particularly fine specimen of Anorakula, he came from 'up north' as he puts it. In fact just the other day he said he would feel like a traitor going to see a Blur gig... he truly is living in the 90s!
I was in a band with one such individual. He wanted the rest of us to convert to his nineties pseudomod way of being, but we were too busy being individuals. I fought the power by wearing SGR T-shirts on stage most of the time...
The band was here in the home counties, so they have wandered this far at least!
Yes! That is truth itself.
I can confirm that he's reached London, and is spreading all over the place, possibly by asexual reproduction: each Stone Roses fan divides into a Blur fan and an Oasis fan.
Their presence is strangely reassuring, a bit like spotting a badger scurrying through a hedge-row.
yes! and on a relate note: have you watched Svengali?
Oh, Teddy Boys. Apparently my granddad was a Teddy Boy. I found myself wondering "What the heck is that" and then spent a bit longer shaking my head confusedly at the internet, wondering how this fit into the stodgy old man with the Cat Stevens fixation and eyebrows like parade blimps.
They're quite common in Moseley, which is Birmingham's district for "this sort of thing" with the Ocean Colour Scene and such.
What maiden, what distresed damsel would Anorakula pursue in the seedy depths of the night?
Mina Parka, presumably.
Yup, we've got them in Edinburgh. Out in force for the Oasis concert last week - though they were outnumbered by drunken Wonderwall-lyrics-yelling youths and youthettes who couldn't possibly have been old enough to listen to Oasis in the 90s. I feel old. Fifteen years ago I too was a lyrics-yelling youthette.
Mind you, I own and still wear quite a few clothes that I had in the 90s, so who am I to criticise Anorakula? Though I don't still wear the long cheesecloth skirts accessorised with DM boots and floppy hat. I think that was the feminine equivalent.
Clint Boon.
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