All is quiet as the carnival opens. Ideas thin on the ground. Some of these are not strictly ideas at all but simply a loose agglomeration of lines.
Mandrill Fever an early hit. Sloth Time has its followers. The rest don't make a jot of sense.
From the sublime to the ridiculous. Anatomy Of A Wasp probably too good for this world.
Energy levels decreasing. Appearance of bean-shaped "Judge Jules" indicates that it is time to put the pencil down.
Please feel free to add you comments; when the carnival is open, I welcome them with open arms. If you disagree with my rankings, say so!
I am fully prepared to throw both my weight and my money behind a Swashbuckler T-shirt, if the design was a bit more Errol Flynn-ish.
I also like Sensitive Intellectual, that idea has legs.
abe lincoln's fart club please!
I like the Taft dessert club, but I might be the only one who'd buy it (along with whatever it's adhered to).
Of all of them, "Out of my way, I'm swashbuckling" seems like the most saleable to me.
Badger Attack, Swashbuckler and sensitive intellectuals have instant appeal.
Past My Prime is sloganeering at it's finest.
Rufty-tufties is a great phrase, but I'm not sure whether it is best implemented by an illustration, some direct sloganism or the coat of arms from a society dedicated to the fine art of rough and tumble.
Must say my absolute favorite is the "Out of my way, I'm swashbuckling" which is awesome. My other favorite is the "I'm a sensitive intellectual"
I don't know why, but The Subservient Frog has a special place in my heart. Like the other commenters though, I like Swashbuckling best.
John. Sometimes you are silly. These are strong and mighty like a beech all pepped up with "Surreal-gro".
Some of these even made me laugh.
Yes to:
Half-man, Half-Crow
My other car is identical
Malevolent Gorilla
Robot Scrap
Insect Police
Fart Club
Past my prime
desert club
I'm sorry I don't like the swashbuckling one. It says to me "Look at me! I'm Wacky! I'm individual! I'm fun!" when they are none of the above.
Insect Police and Robot Scrap look promising to me!
anatomy of a wasp for the win! but, don't count my vote, since you know i'm loony for long-sleeves! kisses
Sensitive Intellectual
Identical Car
Malevolent Gorilla Hang-Glider
President Taft
OCD Vacuum Lover
Okay, the Abraham Lincoln Fart Club gets the best laugh, but I am not sure I could legally wear it, as I might be seen as disparaging our fine $5 note. But, I am still laughing about it...
Past my Prime works, and I also like, I am not OCD, but possibly only because I I have been called that before.
And I like Simon the Sentient Chimney, because it makes no sense whatsoever, and it will leave the masses badly confused, which is always of value. "Oh, you don't KNOW about Simon the Chimney, hmmm...."
Hi John! Not only do I love the "I'm a sensitive intellectual", and the Robot scrap, but I also think they are saleable.
"Too many spades" puzzles and confuses me to the point where I can't stop thinking about it. I will lie awake at night trying to dream up all kinds of situations where I try to think of what to say when strangers ask me "Why do you have that on a t-shirt?". I think I now really want it as a t-shirt. I wouldn't listen to me if I were you, though.
Anatomy of a wasp!
I vote, but I have never bought one of your T-shirts!
Call me old fashioned but I do love the Insect Police design.
I like "my other car". I agree that "swashbuckler" might get taken up by the 'wrong element' (lame wanna-be swashbucklers). "Insect police" could be cute.
I loved too many spades and Simon the chimney! Also insect police!
insect po-lice!
before someone makes it a crime drama!
sensitive intellectual
other car is identical
past my prime
Ones i actually really love:
malevolent gorilla in a hang glider (but actually only because it's clear the "malevolent" was added in later)
past my prime
too many spades
president taft's dessert club (although, as a relatively overweight man myself i'm not at all sure i could pull off wearing it without looking ridiculous)
I vote for Mandrill Fever in the same way that I vote for it to be an actual medical condition.
i would FOR SURE wear the president taft's dessert club one.
love the sloth, really love taft, and have to say that i giggled at simon the sentient chimney. <3
My definite favorite is Simon the Sentient Chimney. It makes no sense, but it could make sense.
If I'm being honest, and I'm not going out of my way to be critical here, I'm afraid these don't appeal half as much as many of your first Carnival of Ideas did - but the wasp might get a look in... I'm still waiting for the "I Like Jazz" shirt mind you :P
I defiantly like the sensitive intellectual one x]
the swashbuckling, ocd and insect police were also pretty cool.
The OCD one is the t-shirt for at least three members of my family. Including me.
Also, I <3333 the Swashbuckling one.
Look forward to seeing what's next though - as ever wanting to expand my Scary-Go-Round tshirt collection. I am the pinnacle of sartorial elegance when I stroll around campus.
There are few things more hilarious than our tubby Taft shoving eclairs in his face. Potentially while he is in a tub?
Badger attack is a helpful reminder to not turn your back on a badger.
Insect police is pretty adorable, because everyone knows that ladybugs are the least intimidating insects of all, save, perhaps, butterflies. Poor ladybug takes that badge seriously.
I'll be honest. I like the swashbuckling. Mostly because I love Kate Beaton. One of her swashbucklers could fight your swashbuckler, BUT WHO WOULD WIN? Hers often have ruffs, so the Beaton swasher could be the winner.
I like your sloth shirt idea, but I have an alternate title for it:
"Sloths: Nature's Majestic Slackers".
I would send many American currencies for such a shirt.
P.S. Actually sloths are very active in the community and are very nice neighbors or so I have heard.
I'm partial to Anatomy of a Wasp. Most of the rest of them aren't very appealing.
The winning swashbuckler would be whichever one was utilising the chandelier in the most strategic fashion.
Out of My Way I'm Swashbuckling and Simon the Sentient Chimney!
I would definitely wear a t-shirt with TOO MANY SPADES(!) on it, so you would have one guaranteed sale there. Anatomy of a Wasp would do really well, I think. & Simon the Sentient Chimney. Everyone likes chimneys (except Victorian sweep-boys maybe).
I'll take an "Anatomy of a wasp" Tshirt exactly how you drew it there, even with the scribbled out "wasp womb". It has a child-like charm to it.
I'd say:
Sensitive Intellectual
Sloth is Fine
Robot Scrap
Past My Prime
are perfect as is.
I know that now that it has been disparaged, Swashbuckler will not be picked anymore, but I liked it.
I *love* the Taft Dessert Club, but I'd add: Three Branches of Government and Pure Cane Sugar!
The Abraham Lincoln shirt is funny but I'd never actually wear it.
I don't know where I'd wear a Lincoln's Fart Club t-shirt. But I know I want one desperately.
I'm a sensitive intellectual! And as such I demand a shirt that announces this to the world. I'll leave it to you to come up with a design.
(Like Dext. R., I too would be willing to send many American currencies. Some of them might even be worth something when exchanged for real money, who knows!)
I love too many spades and Taft! Insect police is pretty good, too.
I love Abe Lincoln's Fart Club because it is exceedingly ridiculous without seeming "clever." Sometimes it seems like a lot of stuff on the internet is trying too hard, is too self-consciously precious. Abe Lincoln's Fart Club is hilarious to me because it's so direct and unsubtle (in a good way).
I think maybe "half man half crow" and "too many spades" are gonna unintentionally play out pretty racist in the US of A, on account of Jim Crow + the crows from Dumbo for the former and "spade" being an inexcusable slur (again, over here) for the latter. Otherwise, Mandrill Fever looks quite good as does Robot Scrap, and Simon the Sentient Chimney has potential, for some reason.
Sensitive Intellectual
Identical Car
Malevolent Gorilla Hang-Glider
Although I'd drop the "Malevolent" and let his expression do the communicating.
Was identical car a bumper sticker idea rather than a T shirt?
P.S. The only SGR thing I've ever bought is the Top 10 Monsters tea towel, because I look terrible in T-shirts. More tea towels please! My Monsters one is old and soiled!
Past My Prime!
I *like* the anatomy of the wasp. But I read books about insects for fun.
*is not representative of the population*
oh, and Swashbuckling! I'm doing that anyway, might as well have a shirt.
I like the Abraham Lincoln Fart Club and Insect Police, red dot or no.
I actually quite liked "This isn't what I asked for".
Top Three:
Sloth Is Fine
Anatomy Of A Wasp
Badger Attack
(Hell, those are in the vein of all your other best shirts)
I like the sensitive intellectual and past prime but still viable.
AND, if I may add, I experienced the full range of human emotion when I saw the corner of the 1066 poster on a recent page. Ecstatic joy that you had drawn such a fine interpretation of the Bayeux Tapestry, and despair that I could only see a corner of it and could not not pin it to my wall or wear it on my body.
Badger Attack!!! I can see it now... *Self, wearing shirt proudly* A stranger approaches. "Hey, funny shirt. Is that from something?" "Yes. Real Life."
I also desperately need an Abe Lincoln's Fart Club t-shirt. I've been a member for years but have had no way of expressing my organized interests with the rest of society! This would solve ALL my problems!
Well, one at least.
I would buy some form of Ryan's "Moon Quest" shirt in today's comic seven, perhaps eight times over. That is two-thirds of a dozen sales right there. A dependable investment!
A simon the sentient chimney t-shirt would be lovely, if you wouldn't mind?
Oh, I second Kevin's Moon Quest suggestion. It needs a picture on it (maybe), but the prospect of that shirt excites me.
Past my prime!
'Past My Prime' is marvellous, but I'm equally for the 'not what I asked for' tortoise! lovely stuff!
I'd like to put out an open request for you to continue designing shirts what ain't got words on 'em. I always think those look best for us old people.
I'm going with Robot Scrap. I'd buy that.
OCD and My Other Card Is Identical To This One both made me laugh. Therefore they pass the test.
On second look, This Is Not Wgat I Asked For gave me a really nasty laugh; the turtle rider's expression especially.
I was going to ask about acquiring a Moon Quest shirt even before I saw this forum...
I still say I want a shirt that embodies Shelley saying "We will do our best because we are british and british is best."
1. Out of My Way I'm Swashbuckling
2. Anatomy of a Wasp
3. Past My Prime
4. Seize the Chalice
Um, not to be a pooper, but in the wrong environment a "too many spades" shirt could get a fellow in trouble
1) The swash buckling shirt.
2) The "I'm a sensiive individual" shirt.
Also, I like the shirt from a few comments back: "We will do our best because we are British, and British is best."
Too many words on that British thing.
"Too many shovels" would be all right...
I love:
But I love with a special fire:
Taft's dessert club. :D
I second the tea towel request! I love my top 10 monsters tea towel and have impressed many a visitor with it.
Also, perhaps the "We will try our best because we are British, etc." thing would work on a tea towel?
Don't know about anyone else, but I LOVE 'my other car' and 'this isn't what I asked for'...
'My other car is identical to this one' and 'anatomy of a wasp' are both excellent; in my opinion, better than any of the ones marked green!
turtle rider
past my prime
are all amazing
Malevolent gorilla ll the way
i think i'd love a "this is not what i asked for" shirt. in mauve?
I would wear:
Sensitive intellectual
Seize the chalice
Sloth is fine (particularly this. I like sloths.)
I also like Badger Attack, except I can't help feeling it would be even better as Hamster Attack. Maybe it's because badgers once ate my guinea pigs, so I know they really can attack. (This is true. Even though I know it sounds an awful lot like "Amy Acker ate my hamster". See, these things go in cycles.)
I couldn't in all conscience buy "Other Car" since despite being a supposed grownup, I don't have a car. But I think it has potential.
Insect Police and Swashbucklin'
My votes are for Moon Quest, President Taft, and Mandrill Fever.
Badger Attack, Sensitive Intellectual, and Sloth
and Taft
Sensitive Intellectual: A++, would wear again (/at all)
My Nosferatu t-shirt is on the line so clearly I need Abe Lincoln's Fart Club or Simon the Sentient Chimney right now.
I am surprised by the popularity of swash-buckling. Is there an entire subculture of swash-fanciers I was not told about?
Sensitive Intellectual and Insect Police, along with Simon the sentient chimney.
Past my Prime is too 70 year old granny humor for me, but I'll preorder some badger attack for sure.
i am voting with both arms and all my fingers and toes for 'this isn't what i asked for' and simon
oh, and the gorilla too, if we're talking about 3 packs here.
um, and badger attack as well. most of all, badger attack.
1) Past my prime
2) Badger Attack
3) Taft dessert club
4) Sensitive intellectual
I'm a big fan of "my other car is identical to this one" and "Out of my way, I'm swash-buckling!"
swashbuckling and schimney ftw.
I like the surrealness of the spades as well, but fear the racial repercussions.
President Taft's Dessert Club! Also, Swashbuckler.
This isn't what I asked for!
Although I think Swashbuckling will sell, I wouldn't buy it. If you want it to sell though, maybe you should just stick some of the SGR crew on it :P
I really, really wanted a "what, me, pompous?" shirt from the last carnival...
Yes! Yes! What? Me Pompous?
I REALLY like the anatomy of a wasp and president Taft, but the wasp in all caps and underlined twice.
i'd say badger attack, and lets talk about sport, would win in my books!
I'll put my full weight behind "This isn't what I asked for!".
For me it's
1. Insect police
2. Anatomy of a wasp
3. Badgerattack
If it helps with your market analysis I already have the Nosferatu and Crochet Today shirts.
Yes! What, me, pompous? That one is great!
I think you've misunderestimated "my other car is identical to this one" and "this isn't what I asked for". Both are brilliant.
"President Taft's Desert Club" is cool as well.
I like "Seize The Chalice" mainly because of the movie "The Court Jester" with Danny Kaye and I wouldn't mind having a shirt that said that on it...
It should be noted that the "Too Many Spades" shirt could, in some circumstances, in some parts of the United States, be seen as a statement of support for white supremacists.
White supremacy: those guys ruin everything.
abe lincoln's fart club FTW.
I'm keen on "past my prime".
Cause I am.
taft's dessert club! and i rather enjoy the sport one.
I think some would be improved with less text. For instance, malaevolent hang-gliding gorilla would look great textless, soaring soundless, bringing his angry troubles into the carefree blue sky.
i like "other car". it reminds me of the bumper sticker that says "this is my other car".
"robot scrap" also has potential. i like to think i have a snooty intellectual sense of humor, but the image of a robot kicking another robot in the junk is just too funny.
and i think "let's talk about sport" is a much more promising idea than the red dot indicates.
Put President Taft on a tea towel, so that I might use that towel to clean my face of icing post-cupcake.
I will buy almost anything with a sloth on it. I hope you don't mind my mentioning though - you know they don't have little sticky-up ears like that? I don't think I'd be comfortable going around with fictional sticky-up sloth ears on my chest.
Taft dessert club all the way!
I would completely and effortlessly buy Insect Police. Also, as an American, I have to say the Abraham Lincoln's Fart Club has a certain appeal.
I'm going to say that hands down "Past my prime but still viable" is the best design and I will personally preorder that shirt should you be magnificent enough to print it.
"My other car is identical" is a great idea ... for a bumper sticker.
For a T-shirt, how about "My other body is a supermodel"?
FWIW, both the gray mustachioed tea cup and the orange-ish smiling record player shirts have garnered me much comments here in damp Portland, Maine. As well as panda-chasing-Guiness, but that's an older one.
president Taft's dessert club, definitely
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