Pelotons have landed in the Dumbrella warehouse and are on their way to customers in North America as we speak. It will be a few weeks before I have my copies for UK and Europe and personalisations but we are on the move, lurching in the general direction of your letterbox.
My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My
They look a little longer than your last few books - is "Peloton" closer to a standard paperback size?
No, it's an optical illusion, it's the same size as books 3, 4, 5 and 6.
I am very excited about this; I shall have something to read on the plane next month.
Is Peloton a nonsense word or is it something strictly British?
It's French for "group", like a group of riders in the Tour de France. I think it's what the English word "Platoon" comes from. It is also Finnish for "fearless".
Hurray, my copy arrived on the left coast today. A hefty tome of literary goodness. I shall have to take it to a coffee shop and show my sophisticated reading ways!!!
And the new Pangaea shirt, yeah, gotta order that. Respect our roots.
My copy showed up just before the weekend. It looks fantastic. I enjoyed rereading a bunch of great SGR stories in dead-tree form!
My breath is so baited it could catch bigfoot.
Book arrived Saturday in New Jersey. In my second sitting I got to the comic that uses the word "peloton". Let's all find it! The book looks great and is definitely the same size as Ahoy Hoy (which I happened to find nearby as I was sitting in my favorite soft chair) even though I too was taken in the optical illusion. As to the minicomic I will reveal to potential buyers only that the legendary Bone Throne (of Bones) does appear in the story.
Oh gosh, that minicomic is one of the funniest things I've read in a while, and the Wendigo story in print is amazing.
Got mine yesterday, it is very pretty.
Down with Robot Hitler!
I got mine last week and read through it all, enjoying every bit! It's twice as enjoyable the second time around, and in a such a pretty package as well!
The Erin Winters story was great, too. It makes me mourn her fate in the comic. But I suppose our loss is hell's gain. Thank you, Mr. A.!
My copy arrived in the down under land of Oz yesterday... yay! So many glossy colour pages demanding to be read... what a formidable publishing triumph! And that mini comic... Mr Alison you tease us with such a teensy glimpse of sweet Erin's life in hell, bwahaha!
Hey John, I just grabbed the three book combo (including Peloton) and a copy of "Ghosts". I hope this helps towards getting some better fillings for your sandwiches.
I also hope I'm not too late to get in on the Erin Winters bit. Though I agree with your decision to cut her out of the main comic, I wouldn't mind a little peek at where she's ended up (or why breathing through her mouth has become important!).
Oh, still hasn't arrived up in Glasgow yet. Not fair!! Any update on when we in the native UK will receive their copies?
I expect copies in stock in the next few days - hopefully by the end of the week, and I'll then spend the weekend filling envelopes.
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