Having done a few fancy prints for the few, I'm working on some new posters (sold at the right price to the common man in quantity). This one's not finished yet but I thought you might like to see it. It's Whitby, the spiritual home of goths. Again, it's big enough to make a wallpaper of.

I think the ghosts are on their way to a birthday party! I realise it is more commercially viable to draw a big crazy Amy bikini beach party but I have to draw what I feel in my mind.
Completely devoid of personality. You don't seem to have the heart for it anymore. Time to move on?
Pull your punches, I've not been well.
Actually, this is something I would buy more than the former but that may just be because of an unreasonable attraction to the character of Sarah Grote. Sarah Grote and Pac-Man.
That said, I do not want to dissuade you in any way from drawing an island bikini party. I might suggest that you still include Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde in that.
For a wallpaper, I need 1680*1050, and prefer higher - like 1920*1200!
"Please" goes a long way, Felix.
For what it's worth, John, I think this is lovely. I was unable to buy the Beowulf poster because I unexpectedly ran out of money at just the wrong time, but I would like to buy this one.
I really , really like this. Love the sky/sea colours - really gives it a nice sense of time & place. Plus ghosts going to a birthday party! Aces! I have a few of your prints already but I suspect this shall take pride of place.
Would you say, then, that this group of ghosts is "party-colored"?
Heh heh. Hurrrr.
Honestly, though. The piece is aesthetically very pretty. It could only benefit from some sort of clarification of the characters' intentions and more specific attitudes. We can see that the ghosts are moving toward the apartment, and the Esther is happy about this while Sarah is not. It's not really clear whether the ghosts have Esther's as destination or are just meandering.
Maybe Sarah could be actively trying to stop the ghost group? Maybe Esther could be holding a 'welcome' banner or a Ouija board? Maybe these things would unnecessarily clutter your simple, suggestive scenario. Whatever you decide, I look forward to the result.
It kind of makes my feet hurt, y'know, brings back memories of clambering up there a few years back. That's what I want from a picture!
All the small details in this like the chimneys are spectacular. This is one I would definitely like to have a print of (and I've never bought a print before).
Perhaps both ghosts and girls are headed to the gothics festival?
I have just discovered that goths is an anagram of ghost. I expect my Nobel Prize in the mail any day now.
Yes, the colours are quite splendid and the backgrounds and linework is better than ever. I wonder if you will do some ink/watercolours at some point. It seems to fit, somehow.
Actually quite surprised by how the storyline ended up, as I thought Desmond rather fitted in with those chavs. I had rather thought this was his character's exit-stage-left story.
I really do like this picture. Your landscape work is lovely.
Dear John.
I know this is not related to this blog post, but I would like to congratulate you on what I think may be hideous attention to detail in your strip today.
Not only do you know what the green room at Granada TV looks like, you have stalked its portrait-filled corridors and provided us with a quick glimpse of that street of regional TV giant dreams, Quay Street.
This suggests your dreams are haunted by a regional TV channel that used to punch against its weight, or that you, yourself have been star-struck scum on the Jeremy Kyle show.
From Tyne Tees to Anglia, STV to Border, Central to LWT, I will always long for a better, more innocent, more financially lucrative era of independent regional television production. As I gaze from the tram at Granada Studios, how can I not wish to stuff a little of those glory days into my small part of the internet.
I do take up watercolours from time to time! As for Des, he is too good for the estate. His work there is done.
My definition of "good" here is flexible.
As long as we are off-topic, I was thinking I'd suggest using the Wednesday spot as a regularly scheduled break for:
One-panel of a print for sale
Doodles, alternate panels, abandoned art
Guest strips
Photos of pies and/or breakfast, rusty appliances, captioned cat pictures... OK maybe not all ideas are good ideas.
Anyway *something* on Wednesday would be fun, better than seeing Tuesday again and much of the blog material would kinda work IMO as a one-panel, plus more readers might see the prints on offer and buy them. Cover art from the books could go there too.
This is something I want to do but I can't run it on the site without ruining the archive. I am going to attempt to make a decent Wednesday blog post every week.
I must say M's comment was completely uncalled for - I set it as a desktop instantly! The perspective, the colours, you can almost feel the late afternoon light - I haven't been to Whitby but it really reminds me of late spring evenings in Aberystwyth (and long clambers up the hill), it's just so super. Devoid of personality, my donkey - this rates very highly with me, thank you, John!
Let me correct the mistake that Felix made, especially as this is nicely evocative of my memories of Whitby (which for some reason include a great scoop-and-weigh place where I stopped to get dried fruit a number of times).
Please can we have this in a higher resolution? Pretty please? I'll grovel in the dust if it will help?
John I guess what I was doing was disagreeing with your statement that it is big enough to make a wallpaper out of. It wasn't a request or order! But I didn't think through how it sounded. And I would really appreciate it if you upload higher-resolution versions of future wallpapers for me to use as a wallpaper, so please upload higher-resolution versions of future wallpapers for me to use as a wallpaper. Thank you.
I was just pulling your tail Felix. Drop me an email and I'll send you something. The sizes you requested are too big to put on the site.
Ahem. Did someone say crazy Amy bikini party?
Dear sir, have you noticed Shelley makes a cameo in the latest issue of Top Ten? She's on the splashpage, appearing on the cover of a copy of that reknowned publication, the Tackleford Troublemakers Index. The moon is also worryingly present.
I agree with Joel's comment, and while I personally don't know how to do such a thing without wonking up the archives, other comics have done it (and then moved it elsewhere), and it works quite well for them. The first one that comes to mind is Girls With Slingshots (http://www.daniellecorsetto.com/gws.html), so perhaps you might contact the artist (Danielle Corsetto) and ask nicely what she does?
Good luck in it!
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