If you imagine the volcano under Yellowstone, then imagine that the magma is drivel and then imagine that Yellowstone has erupted, that is how things are going to be from now on.
My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My Last.fm
John, I made a solemn vow, with candles and everything, that I would never open a twitter account.
But I do not wish to miss out on Dr Lady Sounds' musings. Will you(she) continue to muse here?
I'm going to integrate some turnkey vertical solutions. Fear not. In the meantime you can look at her twitter feed at the URL in the info-graphic without having to sign up to anything.
However do remember that I have no control over what Dr Ladysounds says. She is a loose cannon.
Well, I am already a twit. No, I mean I have a Twitter account. So I shall sign up to Dr Ladysounds' twitterings.
John, as someone who replaced all the filters in a bagless Dirt Devil two days ago, and is still coughing, to me yesterday's drawing seems awfully pertinent. I know that doesn't explain why you were moved to draw it...
Unrelated to Dr.Lady Sounds (though she is fabulous), but I didn't know where else to tell you this. Your comic from today (March 19th) is Golden! (with a capital "G" you see that?) It made me laugh out loud three times and it epitomized all I love about Scary go round. Oh classic!
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