Designing tshirts is a rubbish job, especially when you would, personally, never wear anything with a "snappy" phrase on it - though I do like S Britt's shirts, where the words mean absolutely nothing. But a lack of supply is choking demand, and I must answer the call. Today's work in progress: society's easy little boxes. Finished colours may vary etc etc
Now, you and I both know that the second I can afford to, I will never make another tshirt ever again. That bitter dichotomy helps me keep quality high. But those boxes quite tickled me. One's a little tank!
More soon lest "Secret Scary Friend" enter its 17th year on sale. Feel free to make requests in the comments area of the blog.
What are you going to do to replace tshirting? Full comic-length comics sold by the medium of paper and inter-net?
The colour of that t-shirt puts me off. But then I just bought some pre-destroyed jeans on the grounds that they were a mere £15 and none of the holes show my underwear, so I am not a buyer of premium clothing,
As regards Krakkagar, why mess with a winning formula? People lve it now, and they will love it into the future, furnishing you with credits at the Bank of England. Speaking of which, I seem to have lost mine, please excuse me.
i still haven't got my t shirt, thats been about 10 weeks now.
And the stupid thing? I'm thinking about ordering a "books rule" t-shirt.
Damn you for designing such cool shirts! mehhhhh
RANDOM123, email ME (John A) with your problem if you haven't received something.
I have to echo Megan's serial requests.
A Moon t-shirt would be highly desirable but I fear your audience might be limited to Megan and myself so for the sake of fiscal correctness I would recommend some new Hugo.
And yes, whilst I must admit I considered candidacy for the We Fear Change committee following your renunciation of all things illustrator for the present, I am now hooked on the new style. The new story ain't half bad either.
Keep it up Sir.
I still want playing cards. What if you took pre-order deposits to offset the startup cost? Maybe I'm the only one who wants the cards so much I would shell out money for the promise of product.
Then again, I've been getting around to ordering books for my friend and I for a few weeks, so I wouldn't rely on my type, anyway, when creating your business model.
I personally think the faeries in this strip (June 17th, 2005) would look adorable on a pastel blue or purple babydoll, but you're not looking for adorable are you?
ooh ooh, requests!
I too would love an esther shirt, and almost any shirt on a dark purple background. i think esther matches well with purples, no?
i also happen to think you don't need snappy sayings for a tshirt to be awesome, in fact i prefer them not to have words at all.
another shirt i would almost probably buy is something involving natalie durand as death (or whatever her cowly spirit is doing nowadays.) like a sexy french cigarette smoking robe wearing scythe hauling natalie. with leg.
Well. If you're looking for a catchy phrase from one of the strips. I have been unable to get over the simple beauty of: "It's an empty journey to triumph if you don't plant the seeds of catastrophe along the way"
I third the suggestion of a Gibbous Moon t-shirt. Maybe Moon mudwrestling Shelley?
Speaking of Shelley, I dig how she has only really had a cameo in this current storyling -- I seem t remember it bugs you when stories turn out to be Shelley's story. Tho even the last one was more about Amy...
I want to know where the 'I trod on Lego' shirt went? It was great and it seems to have disappeared way too fast! I didn't get one!
heh my Welcome to Robotania is still ok, only i don't use it much because the tissue is to heavy for me, i like more gildan kind, the ones Richard Stevens uses for instance. however your designs rocks.
also you are really improving daily at SGR, today comic is really well drawn.
Damn you John Allison and your high quality, irresistable merchandise! Bought the tea-towel the second I saw it, and your new T-shirt design definitely is worthy of consideration. Why do you so mercilessly steal my money, good sir?!
Shirts with the girls on do not sell, they just don't sell that well. I could do some nice little framed prints of Gibbous Moon or Amy if you want a keepsake until I get the millions necessary for vinyl figures a la Ghost World.
Trod On Lego was the biggest flop in SGR history! Also "trod" looked like "TROO", hence its withdrawal.
Tshirt desperation desk
"Feel free to make requests in the comments area of the blog."
Five. Count 'em. Five requests for a Gibbous Moon t-shirt.
"Shirts with the girls on do not sell, they just don't sell that well."
I guess desperation isn't all it's cracked up to be...
It's too bad that the Trod on Lego shirt didn't sell at all. I thought the graphic was clever. But, then again, I didn't order a t-shirt. I might just have to order a "Books Rule," just to help pull John out of desperation. But, as I've probably complained about before, my t-shirt drawer is full to bursting. Plus, I have a fear of foreign currency. It all started when I mistook a 20p coin for a 50p at a dumb London coffee shop.
I lurve my Saddest Wookiee shirt. It generates many raised eyebrows. The most common question is "Why is he sad?" to which I usually reply that if he were less sad, he would not be the saddest. QED.
I love my Robotania shirt too, but it seems to puzzle people much more. Interestingly, the big R on the front has worn away in places, which worried me initially, but it seems to have stabilized, and now has that "worn in" look. Spiffing!
Personally, I'd love to see some sort of Zombie Shelley product. The way she drooled was just adorable.
I wore the hell out of my Rachel & Tessa shirt and now its.. no longer serviceable. Would buy again.
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