Several readers (several, not the one I usually upgrade to "several" for the sake of these posts) have written to me asking for an actual "books rule" tshirt. Now, I have never said that anything "rules" out loud, outside of a strictly historical context. But this almost equates to a groundswell of support, so here goes:

Yes, that is a hamster and no, I don't know why. But it's a pretty good hamster.
It will be mine! It's lovely.
I have a history of pet hamsters (They came after I gave up on fish). That's what sealed the deal.
'Love the hamster! And the color!
Do hamsters really have navels?
Richard Gere will take a dozen. Me likey.
Excellent. That's a very good hampster. I have lots of book-loving friends that would kill for one. Let's hope it does not go the way of the playing cards ;)
ooooh, yes! Any way the playing cards could be resurrected? I'm awfully good at manipulating DNA all Jurassic Park like. I'll trade you a Dodo for a set of cards...
Jay, of course they can be resurrected! Just send me £2500.
I think hamsters come out of eggs (must check) and therefore don't have navels. But I put one on there because it seemed right.
Tom: other green things include "leaves", "peas" and "Frogger".
I love it! Is it okay if I pretend it is a guinea pig? I miss Cecil.
Tom--don't take design out of context! Design is NOT the hamster. Design in this case is the entire product.
Now, while that green looks like rotting puss on your heretic, infidel monitor, just imagine that green wrap-around-full-body t-shirt green.
I think we both know where I am going with this.
Yes, that's right. There are ten million shirts with that color green, worn by hipsters world over, & no one ever has compared them to rotting puss until now!
Tom--please, please, buy the shirt. You owe it to yourself.
John, You know I love hamsters. Dang it.
A resounding "Yay For That, Sir".
Amazing! A webcomical t-shirt that I would actually like to own.
I loves the design, but the green is of the precise shade that makes me look like a reanimated corpse. I purchased the death/bunny shirt despite knowing that its colour would have the same effect and it has sat in my cupboard and mocked me for flibbertigibbeting my money away on the unwearable ever since.
Damn you Mr A.
Oh, and the babydoll sleeves are just short enough that any lady with more than a hint of flesh on her upper arms looks like an Eastern European shotputter of the late 1970s. And it is impossible for that lady to wear the man t-shirt without looking like she shrank her mumu and diets only on lard sandwiches.
This said, Bears Will Eat You and Vampires Are Biting Danger see more wear than any of my other t-shirts at the moment. I like to think of my torso as a contstant public health warning.
While I sympathise with anyone for whom a garment does not fit exactly as they wish, there is rock-all I can do about it bar make the following suggestions. If you can't wear the deathbunny colour (I can't wear that colour either) i recommend teaming it this fall with a dark zip-up jacket. As for tight sleeves on the upper arm, just cut the sleeves off and wear it over another, preferred tshirt. This is urban custom chic. You could even sew new, ladylike chiffon sleeves onto it.
Deth green is a hard colour to reconcile in your mind, I find, but it looks good on almost anybody!
I'm not a tshirt magnate (I would prefer not to make them at all) but tshirts subsidise the comic you enjoy so I really try to do my best.
You are my hero, good sir.
Tom--I'm glad that you have been convinced by the GOVERNMENT. Now then, if they ask you to kill people in Nicaragua for ambiguous reasons, please say NO.
I agree that Bella could redesign the sleeves on their baby tees, but my problem isnt that. See, my body has not shrunk enough (yet!) that I can fit into a size L Bella baby tee. XL looks more like a tshirt and less like a sausage casing on me. Unfortuately SGR tshirts do not come in XL, so that leaves me rather SOL.
The 'reading is sexy' shirt isn't nearly as nice. There are no hamsters. Plus I don't think I would get along with the lady on that shirt. It's just an impression. So it doesn't seem right to wear around on my torso and advertisement for a hypothetical personality type that I wouldn't endorse.
And the yellow that they use for the 'reading is sexy' t-shirt looks rather dingy (dingey?, din-jee?). Its not a nice looking shirt at all.
Love the hamster! And the color! MORE!!!!
I love it, it's very cute. However, will there ever be a purple SGR related shirt? because i like to be coordinated and i dont almost anything green.
that dark eggplant would probably be an okay compromise.
After all my bitching and moaning yesterday, I woke up this morning and bought one.
Here's me. Here's the error of my ways. Here's a moment of recognition.
Please address questions like that to my email address - no guarantee of answer via this infrequently read avenue.
Just buy the shirt you want with appropriate postage for the correct destination and type your alternative address in the "comments" field you are offered during checkout. No need to mess around with Paypal settings.
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