So why is it that I always want to write back, "please can I just have the money?" What a terrible person I am.
No, but seriously, think about it, that's a lot of money if you add it up, and I'm not going to get any work done later if I have a drink now. My body chemicals will be all out of kilter, I won't be able to concentrate and I'll want to have a nap. That means I won't be able to go to sleep at bedtime and I won't be able to concentrate properly until 5 o'clock the next day, by which point I'll be so frustrated that I won't want to do anything. Do you see the problem? Plus I'll feel sort of obligated to you for the drink.
How about, if you ever meet me, you buy me a postcard from your home town and a button badge you think I might like. That's not too extravagant. It expresses gratitude and pan-continental friendship, a coming together over a rectangle and a circle.
All right, wait, I might be talking myself out of some good times here. How about, if you're a pretty lady on the go*, you buy me the postcard, and the button badge, and a drink, and I'll buy you a drink and write you a poem about orange blossom near an ornamental pond. Here's how it would work:
"Well thank you and how very interesting"
"Is it time for the poem"
"Alas no because the postcard is of a unicorn frolicing with a furry dog woman in a thong and you have a skeleton hand"
"True love dies hard on jagged rocks, Johnny"
"Goodbye House doctor girl, this was a tender and terrifying moment".
* The offer is never from a "pretty lady on the go" but stick with me, I am hitting my stride here
I'm not sure what's more frightening; that postcard or the fact that you found that postcard.
The young lady from House is cute, but I'd rather get a postcard from Kate on 'Lost': "Greetings from the Hatch! Wish you were heeeeeeeeeeeeeerreee..." *thud*
I too need a nap after any amount of alcohol, so if I met you I'd be more inclined to offer gifts of food and art supplies rather than alcohol. But that was before you made a suggestion of what to offer as a gesture of good will.
If I ever get to your part of the world (unlikely, since I'm poor, but I can dream) I will come prepared with a nifty button and a postcard.
Being from my part of Canada, its rare to say to someone that you owe them an alcoholic drink, but rather a *double-double* from Tim's. That way you're so jacked up on caffiene (and whatever other addictive additives they put in their coffee) that you dont have to worry about needing a nap.
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