With age comes wisdom, they say, and at 28 i am able to tell that we are in a new musical golden age. Good jams getting recognition. Back in 1994 I thought we would always have it so good: IT DID NOT LAST. I think this week might be the peak of this newfound golden era, my copy of
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah has arrived in the post, the Arcade Fire have reached the dizzying height of #45 on the UK album chart, and the following picture of Goldfrapp was seen
on the Internet:

That is what popular music that is in the charts should look like. Rome is about to fall, so enjoy it while it lasts.
I thought I was the only person who thought good music ended in 1994. That was a golden year.
i tend to agree. especially on at least one radio station over here in Australia we're getting heavy airplay of decent musics. the Arcade Fire, Architecture in Helsinki, the Futureheads, et al
things are looking good!
Happy happy joy joy. I am in full agreement.
I was just telling my friend about this yesterday! Twin Cinema is just fun to listen to, and Muse's Origin of Symmetry is about to be released in the U.S, hopefully with bonus tracks! Woo!
Uh... I hope I'm not the only one hear who likes Muse.
I'm so consistently behind the music scene, I think I'm only catching up to what was so great back in 1994 just now. The next CD I buy will probably be "Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain." However, that is a pretty young lady. More pretty ladies, I say!
the hourglass fills with sand
only to punish you
for listenin' too long (to one song)
for listenin' too long (to one song)
sing me spanish techno
What an evil, evil, evil, evil, evil and absolutely wonderful little song. Got Twin Cinema before the weekend and it's simply delightful. It almost makes me as happy as John both posting and drawing wonderful pictures on a daily basis. Almost.
And it also almost makes me as happy as Gimme Fiction. Almost -- very close call. Have to listen to that song again...
oh my goodness, I like.
I heard Koop the other day at a place I was embarrassed to be at--what does one say in this type of situation?!
(apologies for spelling 'here' wrongly.)
You got to see Muse play and went backstage. You lucky, lucky person.
Oh and 'Spanish Techno' is pretty evil indeed. The new Oasis album isn't bad either (not much of an Oasis fan though)
Not exactly brand new music, but I've discovered Pink Martini recently and Sympathique is very...refreshing. Has anyone listened to the new(er) album?
The link in your post took me to the tour listing which prompted me to get tickets to the show in my town coming up. Just want to say thanks for doing your part. And you make nice comics.
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