These two are unusual among my output, as they were conceived of and written as whole books, rather than collections of daily pages. I was very proud of both of them at the time, and looking at them again for the first time in years, I still felt that way.
I made a new cover for Heavy Metal Hearts And Flowers too, a mysterious image full of manly strength.
Manly chest hair! Have you recently taken up boxing, by any chance?
K xx
My being a former boxer, I wonder where did you find the insperation for the boxing motif as well...
Oh hey, is that boxer Tim Jones? No, that man must be JOHN ALLISON, like it says down there in the lower left corner.
K: no. I am not a fighter, but I always enjoyed watching boxing.
Big Mark: All the Rocky movies!
Martin: yes, that's me (aside: it isn't)
I purchased my digital copies of both books, and may I point out how happy I was to do so!
Just now while reading HMHAF I found that page 48 is repeated on page 53, sort of breaking the narration in two. It doesn't seem to be intentional. Am I the only one with this problem? (Hope so)
Evaristo: this was a problem with the original PDF, if you re-download it from the link in your email you will get the correct version (I hope) - any problems, please email and I will take care of it. This issue only affected a few early purchasers.
John, just bought both books. They are excellent and, unfortunately, show that you dialogue becomes better the more bizarre the storyline is...please allow Bad Machinery to derail, just like the good old days.
Sjoerd: it was easy and fun to write that wild dialogue, but in the end I got sick of the sound of my own voice, if that makes sense. The crazier the characters got, the harder it was for me to like them, which was why they began to disappear, one by one.
Often now when I write comics, I'll throw away anything that sounds too much like the old style. It's more challenging to me to write things that sound more natural. But it is still a temptation to go crazy once in a while!
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