Friday, November 04, 2005

The print-shop

Amy has a gig! It will be AWFUL! Are you going?

I thought this might make a nice print (on canvas).


Tomato said...

What is this imagry of Amy and a scalpel...

there goes a petal from the poor flower.

Amy - Goddess of circumcision?
Amy - Empress of defloweration?

i am disturbed, yet to curious to look away.

Vanessa Mouse said...

It is extramisskittyfantastico!
I like it. Especially the idea of playing "loves me, loves me not" with a scalpel. Simultaneously cutsie and menacing.

Tom Meade said...

I will buy it if the print version's background still scrolls independently of the foreground and lettering.

Mizufae said...

vanessa mouse, i *totally* didnt get it until you explained the flower/scalpel thing. terribly unclear. however, the background is lovely and amy's tatoos are faboo.

i would buy a shirt with this amy on it, especially if it said "loves me, loves me not" on it. but not a print because i dont have any more room on my walls! :(
in fact, i'm not sure i like it as a print, period. the image doesnt seem strong enough to hold its own for anything more than a gig flyer, which i realize is what you modeled it after, but if you're going to do a high quality canvas print, you need something... more. something really *worth* the money and wall space and eyeball time of people.

gasp! i didnt say nice things this time! :O

here, to make up for it: your hand drawing improves visibly each day, your backgrounds are getting better and better, and this current storyline with the younger characters is my favorite storyline since bobbins and unit daisy! take that!

Corwin said...


Small dogs: I hate them less than I did before because one is cuddling with me right now.

John A said...

I like mizufae's comment: it translates as "you have big, ugly ears, but I like your nose".

Fddd said...

I really like it, a lot... it'd be really cool on my wall.... end hint.

Mizufae said...

John, you should know that not only do i like your nose, but i like your big ugly ears too. (ps u r cute do you like me please check yes or no)

Suds said...

So many flavours of awesome!

I can taste the rainbow!

Anonymous said...

I like it! I like it quite a bit, sir. Good show. I normally don't put things on my walls (for fears of the many ant armies once more conquering my peoples), but this I could see there.

Bah to everyone else. Even the people who liked it.

Guy said...

Is Amy's belt buckle a re-creation of Megatron's Face? If it is, that is quite possibly the best thing I have seen today.

If it isn't, I apollogize for subjecting the comments to my rampant nerdosity...

GeekChicOhio said...

Hi John,
I've been reading SGR for quite a while but just found the blog today (I'm observant, I know.) Thought I'd drop a hello.
The print is awesome, the comic never ceases to entertain.

And though I assume you've got slightly less direct influence on them, I've loved your every appearance in Overcompensating.

Corwin said...

Your Qwantz strip was awesome by the way.

arborealprimate said...

You are re-releasing the Saddest Wookiee!!! I bracket you with worrying internet hugs, sir.

Vanessa Mouse said...

The more I look at this poster, the more I am convinced that it would look very charming in my study against the medium-dark blue and cream sponge painted walls. Mmm... Yes.
You should make a poster of Ryan! He's so cute; I totally love him. Oh! Ryan with friend bat! Yes Yes Yes! Brains! Yes!