Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bathroom 4 / Tree 1

I was going to post more about the bathroom but it is hard to complain as apparently (for once) I hired someone really good at their job. The work is almost finished but today the fitter told me to cut down a tree. And what an experience it is for a man to cut down a tree, now I see what lumberjacking is all about. Crash, crash goes the mighty oak (leylandi) felled by man, the superior organism in every way. Who is laughing now, tree? Who is in a skip now, tree?

Having had a skip for two weeks, I began to get nervous about the expense of such a giant, rusty, metal extravagance. But I was informed that "you can keep them as long as you want within reason". WHAT HO! I said, because the skip-hire economy speaks to a long-lost England where fairness was a suit each man, woman and child donned before breakfast.

Funds allowing, I intend to start work on publication of Scary Go Round book 7 very soon*. I'm currently working on titles. After the brevity of "Ahoy Hoy", I intend to stretch out for the next one. "Dazed And Confused In Chinese Taipei"? "One Hundred Wet Legwarmers"? "The Blunderbuss That Couldn't Say No"? Who can say what I will christen this rotten baby.

*Please remember that this inevitably takes me 6 months, most of which are spent crying


Gareth said...

Your bathroom had a tree in it? It truly was in need of Handy Andrea's loving touch.

Sparkles F said...

How about "Friendship is the glitter polish on the finger nail of my soul." No?

K said...

Oh, no, John. Please don't cry.

Rob said...

I had no idea what Leylandii even was or were until today. I also had no idea that Leylandii culture was such a huge part of living in the UK or England or Great Britain--whichever is appropriate here. Perhaps the Leylandii can be traced back to Hadrian's failed first attempt.

Neighbours trimmed back my Leylandii.

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