I was going to post more about the bathroom but it is hard to complain as apparently (for once) I hired someone really good at their job. The work is almost finished but today the fitter told me to cut down a tree. And what an experience it is for a man to cut down a tree, now I see what lumberjacking is all about. Crash, crash goes the mighty oak (leylandi) felled by man, the superior organism in every way. Who is laughing now, tree? Who is in a skip now, tree?
Having had a skip for two weeks, I began to get nervous about the expense of such a giant, rusty, metal extravagance. But I was informed that "you can keep them as long as you want within reason". WHAT HO! I said, because the skip-hire economy speaks to a long-lost England where fairness was a suit each man, woman and child donned before breakfast.
Funds allowing, I intend to start work on publication of Scary Go Round book 7 very soon*. I'm currently working on titles. After the brevity of "Ahoy Hoy", I intend to stretch out for the next one. "Dazed And Confused In Chinese Taipei"? "One Hundred Wet Legwarmers"? "The Blunderbuss That Couldn't Say No"? Who can say what I will christen this rotten baby.
*Please remember that this inevitably takes me 6 months, most of which are spent crying

My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My Last.fm
Your bathroom had a tree in it? It truly was in need of Handy Andrea's loving touch.
How about "Friendship is the glitter polish on the finger nail of my soul." No?
Oh, no, John. Please don't cry.
I had no idea what Leylandii even was or were until today. I also had no idea that Leylandii culture was such a huge part of living in the UK or England or Great Britain--whichever is appropriate here. Perhaps the Leylandii can be traced back to Hadrian's failed first attempt.
Neighbours trimmed back my Leylandii.
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