I coloured in my dragon poster this morning. It's ochre-tastic, sienna-mungous and earth tones-tastic.
I also working on a new Secret Scary Friend shirt to replace the old one, which I was so sick of looking at. Here's my scrawly rough, which has some clues about the final shape of things.
Well, hello, sir. I am a long time fan of your comic, starting back from the long-past year of 2003, when if I tried to put a drawing idea on paper it would look like someone should have written "AGE 6" in the bottom corner.
But now it is 2008, and I drew a little picture of Amy for you that isn't too terrible to show another human. I hope you do not hate it. Click here I suppose ----
Besides all that business, I quite like the way you colored the sky in this! Also, your last name is almost my first name. Isn't that fun?
Holy bejesus, that Beowulf poster will go amazingly in my fantasy living room of avocado green couches and harvest gold rattan ottomans with china red lacquer lamps. Sure, I'll have to go couch, ottoman, and lamp shopping but it is gonna be *worth* it.
The new scary friend shirt makes me joyous.
Well, hello, sir. I am a long time fan of your comic, starting back from the long-past year of 2003, when if I tried to put a drawing idea on paper it would look like someone should have written "AGE 6" in the bottom corner.
But now it is 2008, and I drew a little picture of Amy for you that isn't too terrible to show another human. I hope you do not hate it. Click here I suppose
Besides all that business, I quite like the way you colored the sky in this! Also, your last name is almost my first name. Isn't that fun?
oh man that beowolf poster is going right next esther and the krakens!
The dragon is suddenly making me think of Ivor the Engine...
I love the colour scheme - though I'd never have imagined it that way!
Holy bejesus, that Beowulf poster will go amazingly in my fantasy living room of avocado green couches and harvest gold rattan ottomans with china red lacquer lamps. Sure, I'll have to go couch, ottoman, and lamp shopping but it is gonna be *worth* it.
I'm so getting that poster.
ow...my eyes....
(still want)
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