I read an interview with Ryan North of Dinosaur Comics the other day where he says that he takes three hours to write each comic. I don't take three hours to write five comics! Ryan is operating on a level so far removed from me that to gaze upon him is to gaze upon a sort of Olympian god. His head in the clouds, one hand stopping the oceans from floating away into space as the world turns. His other hand writing a comic.
On the other hand his art probably takes considerably less time than yours does.
I would not be too sad if you took SGR in a radical new direction that focused primarily on the Butcher Baker and Candlestick Maker team. They are completely charming. Who needs Shells and the old guard, anyway? Zombify the lot of them!
Dear John,
Re: this morning's comic, I hope you realize it is now necessary to offer a "Resist Panty Actions! For The Best!" t-shirt. You may want to consider a cross-promotional arrangement with the folks at J-List.
Keep up the excellent work.
Scott M.
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