Friday, June 08, 2012

Pencils to play with!


No comic today, so i thought I'd post up some pencils for artists to play with. They're both from comics in this current story. Ink them, colour them, then post up what you did in the comments for this post. If you work traditionally, it might be a nice idea to tweak them into bluelines in Photoshop then print them out at your preferred size. They're 600dpi and A4 size, so there's plenty of room to blow them up.

Download pencils

Download pencils


Anonymous said...

Aw, shucks. Getting a 404-Not-Found on both of them! All the same, this is an awesome idea.

NetRambler said...

Yeah, same 404'd to both, but it is a really nice thing to do!

Diego Arvet said...

Same here, I hate that error, If that error had a face I will punch it on the face.

stoveOVEN said...

keen as hell to give this a go, but yeah. 404 error.

John A said...

Fixed it, sorry. A minor typo.

Erin said...

What a great idea, can't wait to see the results! I'm going away for the weekend but I've made a note to come back and check this on Monday. :)

Unknown said...

Oh come on! You're leaving me on this cliff hanger for your strip! Agghhh!

Anonymous said...

hey this was aweseopm! one thing tho mybe make the linews a little darker to easier coloring!~! Anway, het'es my picutes!,GNIX7

Dan Berry said...

I enjoyed doing this. I posted mine up here -

Dizzy said...

Oooh dan I really like yours

TheMoatMonster said...

Really nice work there, Dan. Very lively picture.

Here is my attempt:

I'm sure inking in Illustrator is probably a circle of hell.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting these up, I had fun doing this :)

Yttrovorsk said...

This was fun! I probably shouldn't have attempted to do linework using a laptop touchpad, but fun nonetheless:

Anonymous said...

oho, i really like yours, yttrovorsk!

here's my contribution:
i really enjoyed just practising painting, but rushed the second panel a bit haha. also warm autumn colours are really nice! thank you for this!