I'm in the process of reorganising that side of things so I don't (personally) have to ship tubes any more but this is a likely candidate for sale. I'm also designing some new items that I haven't sold before that I think you'll like!
My recent design efforts have illuminated some interesting issues. I can't easily make Bad Machinery merchandise because you can't really sell stuff with childers on it to adults. Books are one thing, the stories are meant to be like Calvin and Hobbes, good for all ages. But when it comes to visual stuff to sell, I can't make it work that way. Whereas Giant Days is easy, for pretty obvious reasons. It's broad and unapologetically sassy! Like a drunk aunt at a wedding.
I really like the new design. Posters and bags and such are great for me, as I love your t-shirt designs, but I rarely wear t-shirts (I don't mean that I spend my time half-naked, rather that I tend to wear dresses).
I will second this, though I am partial to a V-neck. It elongates the neck, you see. But you can't put a wallet in a v-neck.
I would definitely buy a kind of Bad Machinery poster, eg an illustrated A-Z of Tackleford mysteries, or a print version of the 'Meet the Cast' drawin' you did for the flyers a while back.
This may be because I am decorating a future-house in my head, one with lots of wall space. :) I can see why you're having trouble fitting the BM content to the merchandise medium.
I hope you continue to make all different things, as I enjoy them all!
Would you consider making some merchandise for children? I greatly enjoyed wearing your t-shirt designs in my twenties, but I am turning 30 next month, and sadly, I don't have many occasions to don sassy t-shirts anymore. However, I have a 5 month old son, and I love getting unique items for him. I would buy onesies (diaper shirts) and bibs with your designs. I've got a few items from Threadless' section for children. http://kids.threadless.com/
Maybe the market isn't huge now, but I could see it growing.
I think the next step is obvious: onesies.
Onesies also in adult sizes.
I'm rapidly approaching my middle 30s, and I still find time to 'sassy up' my chesticular region...
In fact, I take great pride in telling folk, 'No, these are EGGS-GLUE-SIEVE DAY-SIGH-NEIGH-OR Tees, only available from one website on the interwebs...'
I would buy sassy children on merchandise, and that is what Bad Machinery is all about (not merchandise, but sassy kids). Also monsters from Bad Machinery are always good.
PS - I have way too many t-shirts and bags so tea towels or other oddities would be nice.
Unfortunately, I think they call them "emoes" now. Goth Boxes is great, though, it sounds like a Tori Amos concept album.
Why hasn't Shauna blown out her hair??? This is going to haunt me all day.
Also, I would like a Bad Machinery poster a lot.
I should like to point out that my 12 year old sister and all her friends read Bad Machinery. I reckon you can sell stuff with pictures of kiddies to adults if they have/know kids who read the comic (and they do!)
What about the robot Cat spaceship that saved the girls? You've probably already thought of that.
cool drawing!
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