Here are the roughs I am going to work up today. Will I succeed? Will I fail? I predict that the end result will be an exciting mixture of both.
(There was another version of this last year that proved unpolishable, but this time I think I know what to do.)
"Stressed? Devour your enemies."
Its a winner! Love it!
I am very in love with "Stressed? Devour your enemies."
"Ukes not Nukes" would do lovely, I reckon, if only for the explosion of Youtube musicians playing the thing.
'Sensitive Intellectual' has always been dear to my heart, and I love Ukes not Nukes! Especially as I'm about to buy one. Hee.
I am also enamored of the "Stressed?" idea!
I devoured an enemy this morning. He was a bit bitter, but nothing a little Splenda wouldn't solve. Or stevia, is that what the kids are using these days? I heartily endorse devouring as stress relief and would wear such sentiment with pride.
You are guaranteed 2 purchases of the Ukes not Nukes shirt if you decide on that one (one for myself and one for my Ukulele playing friend)
I'm fond of all of these however, top-notch shirts!
Ukes not Nukes please! I know at least 1, maybe 2 people who would like that. Probably 1.
Another vote for 'Ukes Not Nukes'! Maybe three votes.
i know a girl for whom the Ukes not Nukes shirt would make a perfect belated xmas gift. please make it, and soon, as her birthday is coming up and i think i can cover both with just this one amazing shirt!
also, i'm a little disappointed that "honk if you bonked last night" was just a ruse.
Love "Ukes not Nukes".
I think the "Ukes" shirt will make for a good flash-in-the-pan design that you could print a bunch of once and never have to reorder (I may be mistaken in my impression that ukeleles' currency as an instrument of noted musicians is a fleeting thing), but "Devour your enemies" is an all-time great!
The Military-Industrial Complex "works for me"
'Ukes Not Nukes' please! I will buy two. This is a promise.
ukes not nukes, a sentiment i can certainly get behind
With the right design, "Ukes Not Nukes" could really work. Hell, I still say that a "Smiles And Dreams" shirt (with the old poster design) would be a huge seller.
"Ukes not nukes" is about as perfect a t-shirt can be.
Thanks for all the nice comments, guys! It's really hard to turn loose little sketches like those into finished designs - it's often impossible to preserve what made the original good and I've given myself headaches many times trying - then people say "I liked the little sketch better". Well so did I, I say, then I try to strangle the person who is saying it and the police are called.
Ukes Not Nukes has now enjoyed 6 attempted designs, all failed. It may not make it through this round. I couldn't preserve the original "stressed" monster but I tried for the best part of two hours. Maybe he will return. In the end I drew a Wendigo.
Patrick K: alas, as I have stated many times before in similar blog posts, shirts with a picture of a lady on are box office poison almost without exception.
I think I am going to put the Military Industrial Complex on something other than a t-shirt, but he will return, I like him.
PS The reason Ukes Not Nukes is hard to design is a lack of skill on my part rather than a lack of enthusiasm. I can't get it to "balance".
know this, mr. allison. should they be produced, i will buy all four designs. this is a guarantee.
As you know, I WILL buy "Sensitive Intellectual". And my sister is dating one of those aforementioned Youtubing uke players, come to that - ( There's definitely a market for that one, so I'm sorry to hear the creative process is being tricky.
By the way, my Pangaea Reunion Tour arrived today, and I love it - and my husband thinks it's funny without having to have it explained to him, which is pretty much a first for my T-shirt choices.
Love the middle two best, and "Stressed" just made me laugh out loud in an airport.
The Military-Industrial Complex "works for me"
The military industrial concept works for me, but then a lot of the time I work for it as well. I hope wearing this shirt would not represent a conflict of interests.
"Ukes not Nukes" is fun, but I think it's been done before...,159790139
Stressed, like a sweet little Rancour
Any hope for sensitive intellectual? Please oh please!?!
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