I am still in Canada. It is incredible. It is so cold. The Toronto public transport takes special coins. The coins are small. The cold has got into my bones. I cannot remember why I decided to come here in the coldest month of the year but it is certainly invigorating. And by invigorating I of course mean, cold.
You would not believe the people I have met and the times I have had but it has been star-studded. The glitterati! Below I will post some drawings which I cannot explain.

I return to the UK tomorrow to try and bring back some sanity but maybe the world will never be the same again!
Your sketches have a Kate Beaton quality to them! Did you have the fortune to encounter her?
No, I do not know what temperature it is!
Toronto and my current Location, USA are sharing identical weather patterns, so I know how you feel. It was a real struggle to be dainty in my cute outfit this morning when my nose was freezing together.
I would say that it has been brisk here (Ontario). True cold can only be found in a heart that has no love.
Like in Saskatchewan.
It may be cold up there but I am so jealous of you! I used to live in Toronto and love it so much. After a while I started to miss the cold when I moved back to sunny California. (Visit TO in the summer sometimes; it's hot enough to make hell look like a ski resort.)
Glad you are having the best of times in the best of all possible worlds...
No, right. How many licks, eh?
Ha! The snow cometh again to halt the planes and keep John A. on this side of the Atlantic! We will never let him go - we will park a large depression over Buffalo and confine all Ontario Air traffic to their hangars.
The Secret Comic Cabal.
Mr Allison! I hope you have not been distracting Ms Beaton too much from her important work of drawring history vignettes (and advising our Prime Ministerer). We are in an economic crisis and the Canadian vignette industry risks collapse without her firm leadership!
Glad you had fun in Kanada. You probably already know this, but I'm saying it anyways: our 'leader" Mr. Harper is the enemy of all artists and people who like trees (ie: the Kyoto Accord). Your parodies of his greedy oafishness are much appreciated.
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