Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The gorgon's eye

I am in Philadelphia for a week. Comics will continue because there is still magic in the world. If you see flames coming from my house, let it burn brother. Let it burn.

(What I mean is, call the fire brigade immediately and save my computer, even if it costs you your life. All my backups are, as they say, "on site".)


Roman said...

Remember to apply judicious amounts of cheese to your steak.

vince said...

woo! my home! reading your whole archive two weeks ago reawakened my drawing style like a catalyst by the way. i'm glad there won't be any missed updates.

Lislestein said...

watch out for all of the hoodlums, and take an awkward photo in front of the Rocky statue

Unknown said...

John won't have philly cheesesteak - I have him down as a latte-sipping elitist.

You *do* sip latte don't you John? You're not one of these barbarians who downs lattes in one while your friends all shout "Chug Chug Chug!" are you?

Sparkles F said...

Isn't that how everyone drinks lattes? I know that's how I do it!
You will be here for the Freedom Eagle's birthday! In his hometown!

Ben said...

If you get a chance to brave the wilds of North Philly, I recommend checking out the Johnny Brenda's venue. It's a-niiiice.

Anonymous said...

American Protip: While in Philly, avoid being stabbed.