Trying to come up with new tshirts this week has been like pulling teeth. There is literally nothing that hasn't been done by someone, somewhere. But I just keep making up terrible ones until something comes out that works. So immediately following "OH F*** IT'S A TR***", I produced this. Can you tell what it is yet?
now the song is stuck in my head. grrrr.
It's fun to stay at the Y. M. C. A.!
My old ban - Jo _ was in MaximumRockNRoll doing that pose many years ago.
I had to leave a comment because the 'word verification' is hahahiho
yoooou can sail those craaazy seeas.
I remember hearing a friend at college tell a story about how her elderly Jewish grandmother thought YMCA was a word and not an acronym - yeah, she thought it spelled "yimcha," a good Yiddish word.
Diver's handsigns/ cool!
But what is with the HAZMAT suits?
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