Thanks for your help with the mathematical deal between snoozing and losing. Armed with what I was told, I started on the design. But it came out... sort of nondescript:

I can only describe what had happened five minutes later as "inexplicable".

I think I've used up all my brains for this week. See you next week.
I like it. I wouldn't object to it being jazzed up further somehow but I think I would be likely to purchase something along these lines in my next round of SGR merch.
Regarding the previous discussions of the best way to wrest precious income from the strip, I consider buying things from the store to be like donating money only I get to choose my free gifts.
(I mean the first shirt not the inexplicable one.)
I would totally marry both of those shirts.
I like the inexplicable one. Who says a t-shirt has to make any kind of damn sense at all?
Sir, your design is, once again, impeccable! I think that the first one is pretty much perfect as it is! A computer cares not for the complexities of life, and only delivers the COLD HARD FACTS, much like the shirt! Bravo!
i like the way your mind works mr allison :)
Great shirt. I'd preorder it as is.
I'm going to have to say the bottom shirt, it's all "DAMN what's going on here". The top one is pretty sterile.
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