Experience ought to help you tell but it really doesn't
I have been practising some more with the Cintiq and Manga Studio, with a view to using them for my next side project. I stuck my finger at random in 2003's comics and redrew this one.
when i saw it was a page from ye olde vector days i was about to be all 'well it's nice, but not as good as one of the main reasons i got into SGR in the first place'. but actually, comparing the two properly, you *have* become a way better artist and i'd miss the little details if it went back to how i (thought) i liked it. so yay you have won over a sceptic with your gnarly pencil skillz. +500xp :)
I totally agree with chelle up there: "Wow," thought I, as well. You're amazing. I was living in Alaska with very infrequent Internets for about 5 months, so I didn't get to read Scary Go Round every day. I recently got caught back up to date, and now it is a situation where I have fallen back in hot & heavy love with your comic, characters, and art style. And everything, really. Keep it up, brother.
Are you using the tablet to draw all of the lines or are some of them still that sort of Illustrator bendy vector line? Maybe I didn't say that correctly and my question ended up sounding absurd.
I usually unconditionally love every new style, but I am, as the kids say, "just not feeling it" with this one. Maybe I am too used to your eccentric, lovely hand-drawn lines again!
I really like how crisp the re-do looks. I also quite enjoy the detail of Ryan's beard. Every tiny evolution of your art style is a tiny vote for victory!
The new one is substantially improved, the pacing just seems a little better and there is more open space in the panels. Shelley's last line still kills me.
I didn't like how Ryan and Tim used to look so much alike, so I was glad when Ryan started looking more .. I dunno .. indie or something. And he speaks like a cowboy, what the fuck? It's a good what the fuck, however.
I feel like you have gotten significantly better at transmitting emotion through your characters. The redraw is stellar for that simple fact. They are way more expressive than they used to be.
The evolution of your work is shocking when two specimen of the same general order are placed side by side like this. I always thought SGR has had A+ artwork to where it makes my inner artist weep to think I'll never be this good and prolific all at once, but to see how it is continually becoming better almost wants me to hang up my wacom in solemn observance of greatness.
Suffice to say, I hope the good work keeps up for more years than I do.
Wow. It is amazing how different the two are. Way to go, it looks fantastic.
when i saw it was a page from ye olde vector days i was about to be all 'well it's nice, but not as good as one of the main reasons i got into SGR in the first place'. but actually, comparing the two properly, you *have* become a way better artist and i'd miss the little details if it went back to how i (thought) i liked it. so yay you have won over a sceptic with your gnarly pencil skillz. +500xp :)
I totally agree with chelle up there: "Wow," thought I, as well. You're amazing. I was living in Alaska with very infrequent Internets for about 5 months, so I didn't get to read Scary Go Round every day. I recently got caught back up to date, and now it is a situation where I have fallen back in hot & heavy love with your comic, characters, and art style. And everything, really. Keep it up, brother.
Are you using the tablet to draw all of the lines or are some of them still that sort of Illustrator bendy vector line?
Maybe I didn't say that correctly and my question ended up sounding absurd.
we grow up, we grow old, we die.
but, yes, it's nice to see progression. the spirit of sgr is intact, wherever mister J.A. stumbles too.
I usually unconditionally love every new style, but I am, as the kids say, "just not feeling it" with this one. Maybe I am too used to your eccentric, lovely hand-drawn lines again!
Makeout Artist - it's all just regular hand drawn lines, there's no trickery! Unless you count a ruler as a warlock's wand.
Christopher - they're the same lines drawn with the same hand.
I really like how crisp the re-do looks. I also quite enjoy the detail of Ryan's beard. Every tiny evolution of your art style is a tiny vote for victory!
The new one is substantially improved, the pacing just seems a little better and there is more open space in the panels. Shelley's last line still kills me.
I didn't like how Ryan and Tim used to look so much alike, so I was glad when Ryan started looking more .. I dunno .. indie or something. And he speaks like a cowboy, what the fuck? It's a good what the fuck, however.
I feel like you have gotten significantly better at transmitting emotion through your characters. The redraw is stellar for that simple fact. They are way more expressive than they used to be.
Nice work, there, buddy.
John: It is not a thing I can accept. Like... like... jalapeno pepper jelly. I simply cannot.
The evolution of your work is shocking when two specimen of the same general order are placed side by side like this. I always thought SGR has had A+ artwork to where it makes my inner artist weep to think I'll never be this good and prolific all at once, but to see how it is continually becoming better almost wants me to hang up my wacom in solemn observance of greatness.
Suffice to say, I hope the good work keeps up for more years than I do.
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