Saturday, December 02, 2006

The plan for winter warmth

As you probably know, winter is here and that means the icy winds doth blow. However, as an innovator, dreamsmith and imagineer, I have come up with an excellent scheme to avoid frostbite. I am going to sit in the tumble dryer until April:

Think how nice it is when the clothes come out of the dryer! It takes a strong man not to put a nice warm tshirt or towel over their face and just live for pleasure alone. Well, what if you could enjoy that great sensation for hours at a time? As the diagram above indicates: NOW YOU CAN.

See you in spring!


Steve Rogers said...

I've always fancied the idea of hibernating so I can't say I'm not tempted. I'm afraid Shane Warne's antics today have put me off spinners though. Now an Aga however...

Anonymous said...

Brilliance. I could sure use one of those in Montreal... damn laundry-less apartments!

John A said...

Badger, I was so excited about waking up to the cricket score this morning. When I saw that little bit of text on the BBC website "England crash" and Warney gurning, I forgot all about the dryer and put my head in the oven.

Victoria, what you need is a counter-top twin tub! I believe last time I saw one they retailed for £1, 4 shillings and sixpence, so it won't break the bank. Failing that, pay a gnome to stir your handwashing in the sink.