I have started to do some paintings to sell at MoCCA next weekend. To the best of my recollection I've never sold more that one painting at a show (maybe two) but that kind of drives me to try to be less of a failure at it. Anyway here is what I managed so far.

You should let Ryan North kidnap you and bring you back to Toronto so as to make the purchase of a painting more convenient.
You should do MORE lovely paintings like these. Watercoloring is the perfect whimsical medium for your characters!
Sell them online so I can get my hands on one! It's really no fair that you just bring them with you when you travel, because you never come to California (lately, now that I have some extra greenbacks to fan around).
How much will these run at MoCCA? Or would you rather that only be for those who go? I suppose I can just wait to ask you in person.
(in person!!!)
I'll more than likely be wearing my Saddest Wookie shirt, as it is my favorite shirt, so I'll see you there. Rather, you can see me through a crowd.
These are lovely, John.
Nice paintings! Shame I'm a) 4,000 miles away and b)completely broke. Also - love your Sufjan Stevens poster in today's comic! Along with the "Keighley" designer wear in one of your earlier strips, it's one of my favourite references you've done.
If you end up bringing the first of those paintings home, I'll buy it from you.
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