Rocktober came to a close with a full-on shoegazing spectacular on a Sunday. A small sonic cathedral was erected and every effects pedal in the borough was plugged in. The result: VWOMMMMMMMM.
ASOBI SEKSU + Scanners + Kyte @ Manchester Night & Day Café - October 28th
As the bald man grooves alone:
Kyte: pedals depressed vigorously. Young men, fresh from youth club, intent on celebrating the scene that celebrates itself. The main Kyte may have been singing in a language of his own creation or simply describing onomatopoeically the sound of two cushions rubbing against one another. Turning away from the crowd to hit a snare drum is the new thing. 6/10
Scanners: a furious racket as another British group emerges from a meeting declaring "Sleater-Kinney were right all along". I don't know why this is happening. The main singer lady knows what to do. Guitar lady knows what to do (although she is concentrating pretty hard so maybe she doesn't know all that well). Men of rock hold the line. They were pretty good! 8/10
Asobi Seksu: is she playing a keyboard? Yes she is playing a keyboard. The register high, the wall of sound deafening but soothing (mostly deafening). Asobi Seksu, you made me realise (that you are a decent band). 8/10

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I could read MBV puns to here knows when.
It's good to know that more people are adopting the Sleater-Kinney "rock like a megalith" approach
Thanks for sharing. I am listening to Scanners right now and pretty much loving it.
Yes, Sleater Kinney were right, but we knew that already, didn't we? :)
I enjoy Asobi Seksu. I-I think they are swell.
Mr John, of all of the Rocktober bands and artists.. who would be the firm number one - if i were to only be able to get one bands music?
So many 8's - you are surely spoiling us?
News Team: that depends on the sort of music you already like. I'm no expert.
Ahhh in this case I was more interested in your opinion - as a cultural exchange of sorts, North V's South ;)
I didn't see my name was news team, I thought I had logged in as my blog, not my website... que frustrante! My apologies (yet how ironic, with the current storyline).
Thanks anyway :)
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