BATTLES + Prefuse 73 + Dirty Projectors @ Manchester Academy 2 - October 17th
Dirty Projectors: art pests or the future of sound? Musical Marmite reputation confirmed by "tricky" 12455/34761 time signature. The ladies sing pretty, a man moves around and sort of yelps. The drummer faces sideways. Excellent new "Rise Above" album very thinly mined. 6/10
Prefuse 73: you could tell these guys were into graffiti. They were very good at working their machines but I was not excited. 6/10
Battles: woah! What is going on? The widest keyboard, the hardest working man in showbusiness on drums. Robot vocals not actually performed by robot but instead by a man. More time signatures. This is the sort of music Buck Rogers and Twiki would dance to in the 25th century. 9/10
LES SAVY FAV + Clockwork @ Manchester Club Academy - October 21st
Clockwork: anyone who had been looking for an excuse that weekend to put their fingers in their ears was richly rewarded. A band who have heard Joy Division and want you to know it. 2/10
Les Savy Fav: a fusion of bog-standard late 90s indie rock and a tubby, bald, bearded fun-lover who delivers. Good times the order of the evening. Everyone is watching, no one is talking to their friend. The bald man runs around but there is no need to be scared. If you're lucky he will not sweat on you. 8/10
Although my birthday was on Saturday, it's not too late to send me a present, particularly if the present is:
1. A Cintiq
2. A unicorn ride
3. Some jam

Happy Belated Birthday.. what is your particular faviourite jam? (I think that one is my best bet!)
Happy Birthday, you old man.
I'm wishing very hard that you get that unicorn ride.
I tried to win a Cintiq for you at ComiCon, but fate decided otherwise... I swear I would have given it to you, had I known your birthday was coming up, and had I won the thing. And if I could have heartlessly prized it from my daughter's fingers.
Happy Birthday!
have you seen what the import costs on jam to the UK are??
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