Huge news. the Wispa has been reinstituted by Cadbury's ("Cadbury"). They had them at the station today! Maybe all my dreams are coming true one by one!
I've heard they're actually just a long forgotten batch, dusted off and thrusted into the public for mass disposal...I mean consumption.
The Smith And Jones advert for the Wispa I felt was better than the Wispa itself. I liked the limited edition mint ones, but otherwise my heart always yearns for a Mint Aero.
Very nice to have you as a new reader, Wyvern. But no bonus points for admitting your ignorance on any given subject. That's not the Scary Go Round way. You better show up with your schoolbooks shiny and an apple for teacher!
"The owls are not what they seem"
I've heard they're actually just a long forgotten batch, dusted off and thrusted into the public for mass disposal...I mean consumption.
The Smith And Jones advert for the Wispa I felt was better than the Wispa itself. I liked the limited edition mint ones, but otherwise my heart always yearns for a Mint Aero.
I noticed this too!
Although so far all I've seen so far are discarded wrappers.
Bring back Wispa Gold!
i remember reading about this a few months ago, and thinking to myself, "Yank, you have no idea what that is." & i still do not. what is it's flavour?
also, i think your other dreams become more perverse? I understand wishing for the great Veronica, but three owls, and then a doll? For SHAME Mr. A!
Oh I am so excited!! I love Whispa's! Can't believe they're back and I've only just found out when all the shops will be shutting! Damn Sundays!
who's the girl?
It's Veronica Mars. I've been waiting for the second half of season two to appear on my video on demand service for months. WHY LORDY WHY &etc
Dude, go for the chickie in Veronica Mars. . .
Have to admit used to be a huge fan, but lost track/got a bit bored with it :(
Whispa? no idea what they are.
Btw, im a new fan of the comic, just discovered it a week ago, and just finished going thru the archives - its awesome!
Very nice to have you as a new reader, Wyvern. But no bonus points for admitting your ignorance on any given subject. That's not the Scary Go Round way.
You better show up with your schoolbooks shiny and an apple for teacher!
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