So I thought I'd do a series of SALUTES TO ROCK AND ROLL. Here's the first one, it's Led Zeppelin isn't it? If people like this one, I'll take requests and do a series of creepy looking band shirts. If people don't like this one, I'll make some shirts wth impenetrable phrases on them referring to sci-fi classics.
"My other car is the Starship Enterprise (the captain is Pike though see I know a lot about sci-fi)"
"Babylon 5? Babylon 4 more like oh wait that one vanished didn't it"
"I am a Cylon but we look like humans man now you're confused"
"Amy Acker ate my hamster"
and so on.
Bonzo SMASH!
oh my gosh please do the scifi ones! Please! :)
Oh dear. I might go along with the Amy Acker one, as long as it's illustrated, otherwise I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that people are interested in your creepy band shirts. But don't tell anyone who the creepy bands are! Or they will pursue you with knives and vacuum cleaners. Instead, merely claim that you were sketching on a bus and a bloke with a milky eye and no genitalia just happened to climb on right after you.
Stop making fun of me, you know I physically couldn't come up with worse tshirt ideas than those sci-fi phrases.
Heck, if you made them, I would buy those sci fi t-shirts. Is there anything you can't do?
Also: I'm really digging the new strips. Way to be awesome.
Ugh, that was me.
Stupid work account.
One more thing: I love you concert review posts. I'm getting pretty excited because Xmas is coming up, and we all know what that means: CD of the year review! Can't wait to see what gems you've listened to this year.
I would like to know about your big shiny scanner, please.
(Will you make a tshirt for Talking Heads? I know they aren't rock'n'roll, but they are awesome.)
ohh, spot on! especially jimmy page and john bohnam . . . it is something about the eyes.
Mizufae: Once I get past the first two or three I have in mind, I would love to do bands like Talking Heads - the best bands already look like cartoons.
My new scanner is an Epson GT-15000, i am sure Google can tell you the rest!
What about hair metal bands? Can I see some love for Poison or Ratt?
Mmmmmmmmmmm.... Amy Acker.... *blinks, wipes up drool*
Sparkles: funnily enough I thought about Ratt while I was making this. But I think that might be a bit niche.
I'm probably going over cliche / old ideas... but I'd buy thin lizzy with an enigmatic phil lynnot on it so fast - I'd give you the money for two in advance... one for now and one when i'm fatter still!
...not that i wouldn't buy this one either btw - it's awesome.
i am in desperate need of a new hoodie! but the problem is that i require my hoodies to be in x-small. i do not know if anyone else has this problem, but i thought i would lobby for a few x-small hoodies, just on the off-chance that my fond dream of owning an sgr hoodie might be realized.
I would buy a whimsical cartoon Belle and Sebastian shirt. Twice.
Just make sure it's also available in Bonzo-tastic XXL.
The creepy band images are quite fantastic. Verily!
I think there's more fun to be had with the charictures of bands than in the sci-fi words, regardless of how awesome the geeky portion of my brains think they might be.
If you do a Fela Kuti shirt I will buy it so hard.
If you do a Farscape shirt, similarly.
John Cage shirt: just a blank t-shirt.
I know this might be somewhat off topic - but what about (kinda) combining the two? Rock Stars of Science style! Obscure scientists who invented crazy theories - David Hilbert http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert rocking it John Lennon style with those glasses. Or John von Neumann in glam rock gear. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_von_Neumann
Or my personal favourite, Paul Dirac as Frank Zappa with the Mothers of Invention! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Dirac
Otherwise the sci-fi slogans were awful! And thus brilliant. Who could really bring themselves to produce and wear such things? Or rather, once they were out there, how could one choose not to wear them? Personally I think, "Wesley is my homeboy" would appeal to a massive demographic - all the kids could come on board!
I liked Led Zep though.
Death Cab as Zombies, that'd be kinda cool, not rock, but still good!
I would love to see a cameo oh P.J. Harvey in Tackleford.
Uh, not that anyone asked me that.
If you did The Who, I would almost certainly buy it. I can also see you doing a fantastic Elvis Costello, though I'm not sure if that fits in with your current idea stream. But it fits in with mine, see. I love you
Hoodies please yes!
I feel that The Who is a necessary part of this series. Also, I think that Sleater-Kinney should have a shirt. Maybe that's just me. But I would buy ten of them.
Great design! but why does Bonham look like a huge (teddy) bear?
I had a vision of a giant cuddly John Bonham, I don't really know why. He wasn't much bigger than the others in real life! He just seemed huge!
Oingo Boingo please.
I guess I'll do Oingo Boingo in a set with Public Foot The Roman, Thousand Yard Stare, Blue Rondo A La Turk and The Roaring Boys.... and warn the screenprinter that he'd better start talking to the wholesaler about buying in multiples of a million!
Boo on you. :p I really would like a Ratt shirt. I don't have the artistic skills that you do to make my own shirts. All I am is a wordsmith. Le sigh. Maybe you can assuage my disappointment with a Rolling Stones shirt?
okay hey if you make a Jimi Hendrix shirt, I will buy it. I'm serious I will give you money in exchange for something. I have not bought something from you since "Ghosts" so this will be a big change.
This looks just like Led Zeplin!!!! I love it. I also think Jimi Hendrix is a great choice for the series. Would you consider doing something for a band that still lives and tours, like Tool or one of the various other suggestions? How about doing Nirvana?
You should really do Nirvana; I promise Courtney Love won't sue you into oblivion. That's not a legally binding promise, though.
Probably a bit late on the bandwagon... but as cool as hamster eating Amy Acker and Sci-Fi T-Shirts may be, am I the only person in the world who would gladly pay sacks of money for a 'sounds for serious heads' T-Shirt? Diddy wah diddy.
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