I redesigned my website yesterday using CSS. See, I got a letter from the government the other day, opened it, read it, it said that I hadn't learned a new web technique since 2001. I was going to write back and say that CSS always winds up being a right pig's ear in one browser or another but I tried it anyway and it seems to work. In the two browsers I tested it in. Which did not include "Intanet Explorer".
Whenever I redesign my site, one person will write and say "why did you change it mang, I liked it better before". Of course you liked it, sir, you were extremely used to it. I on the other hand have to look at that site several times a day and had gone past your simple appreciation of it. I was sick of it. That is why the colour scheme is now alien, the fonts outlandish, and the layout obscenely futuristic. I never wanted to see any feature of that site ever again in my lifetime. As a result, neither will you.
Though actually, I didn't change the layout. I like the way it is, honest, simple and true. Why not try the site in a Netscape Navigator 2 emulator for a time-warping trip into history?

My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My Last.fm
i sir read your "feed" & you can't do anything about it! or well i guess you could mangle it.
I do like the new design — it is a soothing balm to the eyes, which in turn makes the goings-on in the comic seem all the more alarming. Hurrah!
The old design was tentacular, of course, but it sometimes distracted from the lurvly artwork and made me dizzy. Unless that was the amontillado, in which case: carry on, nothing to see here.
I tried using CSS but they refused to leave Brazil to have a meeting with me.
The old design reminded me of the wallpaper at my aunts house. This new colour reminds me of an Austin Allegro. I like both equally.
Someone who gets flustered over a site redesign and feel the need to e-mail said site owner has too little going on and could do with a hobby. Then again, that hobby could indeed be e-mailing site owners about site redesigns.
I like your new design, but I miss the old background. It had a delicious dingy smoky country pub feel to it. Possibly. Like I expected to remove the comic and see a cigarette burn, and maybe some other stains. Um.
New one is nice!
Could we not get a banner to go with the re-design, I know you'd have to look at it several times a day but they were nice...
... I liked the old site design better... Hopefully this comment here will do, in lieu of an e-mail...
Also, I tried looking at it in the Netscape Navigator 2 emulator and found that disappointing as well. I think you may have jumped the shark! :P
p.s. Not really. I've been loving scary go round more than ever lately, I just wish I could've waited a week before I decided to re-read through the archives so that I could've used this great technological achievement. I can't count the number of hours I probably wasted trying to hit that little 'next' button!
p.p.s. Might as well mention it while I'm commenting; I just wanted to mention that I really love the newer art style over both the older computer version and the older hand-drawn ones... I didn't notice too much of a difference when you changed, but going back now it's so different, and I have to say the newer strips look sooo much nicer.
now now stephen, neither an emailer nor a blog post commenter be
Why not try the site in a Netscape Navigator 2 emulator for a time-warping trip into history?
In Firefox, you can also use View->Page Style->No Style to strip out all the CSS for that early-web feel. :)
No more Squid Christmas Theme! I like the new one, it reminds me of the Bauhaus if the Bauhaus suffered a sudden mudslide.
I am outraged and am going to organize a content strike against SGR by compelling people to not post comments on their blogs about SGR for a whole day. The statistical blip of silence about SGR related internet nerdbaggery will forever be a dark mark on its history, and surely it will make a difference!
ps: the site looks lovely, and sets off the strip much better.
The new site design is fantastic. I love the filled-in letters, and the way the page colour scheme makes the colourful comic really jump out at you. It is tres bien.
The current art style is fantastic - second only to Sam Logan (on the whole internets!). And yes that includes Jeph Jacques, his people are nowhere near as expressive.
That's a lovely, cleanly-designed site. But what is this "mang" you are always trotting out? No habla!
I would have thought, as the sites originator, creator, and artistic supplier, you could do what the heck you like with it and stuff the naysayers. Not to put too fine a point on it. People come to the site becuase they appreciate your creation, it's your perogative to tinker with it.
Personally, I think it's fine, fresh and dandy. But then again, I had no problems with your switching between pen and illustrator generated content, so perhap I am too easily pleased.
Liking the new comments boards as well, even though I thought I wouldn't - quite good to see direct response to the strip - and people pointing out stuff that I miss; helps me appreciate the depth of work you put in!
I like your new site layout. It's all "hip" and whatnot. However, my pleasure at the new backdrop for my morning Scary Go Round fix is somewhat obscured by the fact that, as of sometime yesterday (well, yesterday for someone living on the west coast of the US), I am unable to get the site to load [1]. Please, for the love of all that you find holy, resolve this issue. The withdrawal is burning through my veins as though there were a million microscopic hamsters gnawing at them.
[1] With the occasional exception of an ad for "SpiralFrog".
And . . . . immediately after posting the above, it all works fine. Haha! I am a god among mortals. I have merely to express my desire and it is fulfilled.
[stops, takes medication]
Anyway, I really do like the new design.
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