Look for me wherever the seed of TRUTH needs to be ploughed into the fields of JUSTICE.
I accompany this post with a commemorative sketch, one that proves that I have not quite mastered the art of drawing a horse.

CONSUMER REVIEW 2 - Wacom Felt Nibs
If you find that your Wacom pen skids around your tablet solution like Bambi on ice, I strongly recommend you buy a set of Wacom's felt nibs, which lend a pleasing tooth to the drawing surface. They don't last as long as the regular plastic nibs but you may find they enhance your drawing experience.
Yes, I thought it was a donkey, which would have been equally appropriate.
Never have I been more pleased to wake up the morning after and find out that it wasn't just a glorious dream after all. Thank you for your tireless efforts over the past 8 years. I hope you enjoy this new stage of your illustrious career. :)
By the way..... While I received several text messages naming Obama as president-elect, my internet has been down for several days, and as the first thing I did this morning upon poaching a connection was check SGR blog, my first official confirmation of President Obama's victory was in the form of a hastily-drawn sketch by a cheeky Brit.
Glad to know my history degree is being supplemented by alternate media.
Who is Barack Obama?
If the Freedom Eagle gets restive in retirement, perhaps he could turn his attentions to liberating Canada from the yoke of its arts-hating Tory (minority) government?
Is the intertube footage of Coulter eating crow? I never thought I'd see the day. I also hear that Simon Schama got a bit shirty with John Bolton on the BBC.
If anyone had it coming, it was John Bolton. That man is a national disgrace.
Bolton was giving it large as he does, like a man carved from granite with very strong, idiotic opinions, and Schama was indeed getting shirty, but Bolton was not going to be stopped. Bolton shouted at the BBC lady for disagreeing with him (intimating perhaps that Sarah Palin was a poor choice) and eventually they stopped inviting him to speak!
Actually, the best thing about B.O.'s election is that we should see a reduction in adolescent comments like this, but old habits are hard to break so I'm not holding my breath. I for one am looking forward to a little peace and quiet from the left.
Sleepery whose adolescent comments are you complaining about now? John Bolton's? He's got to be pushing 60. I was trying to work out if his hair was a wig but I have a feeling that it's simply too frightened to fall out.
So, I'm guessing that's a 'no' to the peace and quiet thing.
The constant stream of snark coming from the left these past eight years have left me exhausted. I was hoping for a break after B.O.'s election. Perhaps that will come once he takes office.
Good point Sleepery. Let's hope "the left" can be as quiet, shy and retiring as "the right" have been during Dubya's reign.
Perhaps it's just the difference between playing offense vs. defense.
I'm actually looking forward to being on the sidelines for a while. It's much easier to sit and criticize from the back benches.
Here, I'll practice: "You're doing it wrong!" and "EPIC FAIL!".
See, it's fun!
Hey, newsflash.
The Horse wants to know why Hollywood doesn't make good movies any more.
Sleepery: I'm roffle-ing, that was really funny in a laughing-with-you-not-at-you way! :-)
HORSE: You hardly ever get a downbeat ending these days for example. Although Dead Set on E4 last week did. Did you see it?
Jonah, I am really scared of zombies so I was too frightened to watch it, was it good?
Thank you, sir. We appreciate your efforts over on this side of the ocean!
Dead Set was most good fun. It had the same ratio of horror to comedy that Shaun of the Dead had of comedy to horror, if that makes sense.
The TV producer character had a magnificent tache.
Also, placing a sheet of paper on top of the tablet helps a Whole lot when it comes down to wrasslin' for control...
Not that you probably knew that already.
It does make it a little hard to see the screen though!
I love this new representation of you as a roaming top-hatted young man.
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