A sophisticated infant, I had a pretty good idea of the difference between an average illustrator and a genius even at a young age (I can remember expressing forthright opinions as such as early as 8 or 9 years old), and I can remember attempting to copy Jamie Hewlett's spot illustrations from Commodore User when I was 11. As meek and moderate youth, Tank Girl's anarchy seemed distasteful to me, but I have never stopped enjoying (and learning from) Jamie's artwork and The Cream Of Tank Girl is full of his great drawings, alongside looks back to the fertile late 80s UK indie comics scene.
Tank Girl has recently been resurrected and is appearing in the Judge Dredd Megazine.
However it's not Jamie Hewlett illustrating it anymore, but a nice chap called Rufus Dayglo. http://rufusdayglo.blogspot.com/
Damn, I had to pay for mine! :(
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