During most years of Scary Go Round, I manage maybe two stories that I'm proud of, one that was all right, and the other 25 or so weeks of the year show off my well-developed skills in the field of wheelspinning. Most creative endeavours - especially those mounted alone - are patchy. But I think the two stories I started the year with this year were some of my best work, getting away from the sicklier aspects of the "old" comic that I've definitely outgrown. However, by the law of averages, that means... the worst is yet to come. I do have a particularly good yarn with which to finish the year, but what do I do until October?
Here are the creatively mundane storylines currently on the table.
1. (Note: I started writing stupid fake storylines and the first one I came up with was brilliant, I am a genius).
2. Melanie buys some chairs, has to return them because they are an inch too short for the table in question
3. Amy and the ingrown toenail
4. (Number four also bordered on sublime in its idiocy)
In conclusion, I am the king of comics, I am best, I ♥ me.
I saw a girl with a bag that said 'I ♥ me' yesterday and I was furious that I did not make it to the screenprinter's first.

My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My Last.fm
Oh yes. Storylines 1 and 4, definitely.
I ♥ me, also BFF (with myself)!
Dig this: the toenail is haunted!
Now all I have to do is sit back and wait to collect my 40% consultant's fee...
My ex-girlfriend has a tattoo that says "I♥ME" and I asked her if it meant "I love Maine," but apparently it doesn't. It's just the usual kind of "me."
I'm writing down ten ideas and date stamping them. If they match any of your story lines, I'm suing.
"the other 25 or so weeks of the year show off my well-developed skills in the field of wheelspinning."
Would that include the three-day epic of "Shelly is possessed by an earwig?" I remember being really confused and kind of relieved at the same time - even though it gave us the Yellow Submarine strip AND the term "mousin' mouse."
By the way, is Shelley *still* posessed by the earwig? I lost track.
She never was, it was a shaggy dog story as should be self-evident from the final installment.
Errrrr, I feel a bit fick now, forgotten all about that last bit. Durrrr.
I can't wait to see ideas 1 and 4 if you do them!
Aim high John!
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