I changed "boobi3s" to "hello" on my Maths Is Easy shirt because when it came down to it, I would not wear a shirt with "boobies" written on it and if I won't wear it, I won't make it any more.
Self-respect is a party that I am holding at my house and to which I have invited myself.
Shirt on sale now y'all!
I think there should be a decimal point after the zero. Otherwise the zero would not show up.
Just sayin'.
Also I have known that since I got my first calculator come on
I'd like to point that a french version of this shirt would have been confronted with the same dilemma : in french, u can either write "713705" for "soleil" (sun) on a calculator or "35383773" or "ellebese" meaning "shefuks" (incorrect spelling intended).
Why i felt compelled to write this i don't know.
THANK YOU! I really loved the shirt... but i really really couldn't buy it considering.
Now i can... and will!
bunnies and children rejoice around self respect!
It's never too late for a decimal point! Quick, sneak it in while they're looking the other way!
Come to Daddy!
Is the omega meant to be a pi symbol?
i think i liked it better with boobies... sorry....
Um, is maths the plural of math, or just a different shortened form of mathematics?
I'm wondering if it should read "maths are easy." Because I'm like that.
roman: It's short for 'mathematics'. Would you say 'mathematics are easy'?
"Maths" is a very confusing word to many North Americans, who shorten Mathematics to plain old "Math" and thus can't figure out what the heck that extra s on the end is supposed to mean!
John, I don't even need any more tshirts ever in my whole life, and yet I have just bought this one, and the 2 pack of ghosts and great aches, because I love you forever and all that you do. Never stop! *sob*
But dang, when are you going to get on my purple stylized Talking Heads tshirt already?
I have bought it! Hooray! I am looking forward to the day when it arrives from the other side of the planet! Bravo, John, Bravo!
Damn this exchange rate!
Oh well, I'm in for one. Very glad you made the change. Damn the decimal points, and bring on the lame questions about British plurals!
You don't have to damn the exchange rate, I adjust the prices of shirts and shipping down according to the exchange rate with the dollar.
That price adjustment for our freedom-loving merkan chums is very generous. John Allison, the OPEC of stylish webcomic-linked t-shirts!
I think many are missing the subtle implications of this tee-shirt. While 'the maths' is indeed easy, to speaken well the good English is two, if not three times harder, at least.
Oh! Thank you! I will definitely buy this now!
Regarding earlier comment about SHELLOIL; I have nothing against seabirds at all; it's just that that's the word I remember spelling out on my calculator as a wee girl. There was also BOILEGG if I recall correctly.
And my mother has nothing against boobies so far as I know, but she once said a friend of mine was "a bit forward" for wearing a teeshirt that said "nice tits" as an accompaniment to a pretty picture of two small songbirds. Hence my caution. I am grown up and married now, but still wouldn't risk being thought to be forward.
(You've probably forgotten all this since the original comment was ages ago, but I've been away.)
Why oh why did this shirt go away? I wanted it so badly, but when I finally got some spare money it was gone.
When no one is buying a shirt any more, there's no point reprinting it so I take it off sale. There's always a chance that old friends can return though - stay turned.
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