As always it was a great pleasure to spend time with my Dumbrella friends. It's easy to feel remote and out of the loop when you only visit once or twice a year, but they always make me so welcome. And we had able help on the booth from some dedicated characters who did their bit almost solely out of a misplaced sense of civic duty. Thank you everyone!
Working on a booth means that you don't get much opportunity to go and lig around, casting your rheumy eye over exhibits and leaking money like a burst branch of HSBC. But I did get the opportunity to meet and get some drawings from some very talented Spumco artists, and I did go to get a book from Carla Speed McNeil and find her wearing one of my t-shirts! THWILLS!
Finally, from the sunshine state, THE VINE THAT MAKES YOU VIRILE:
1. Which premier league webcomic artist snores like a tractor being driven backwards up a hill, but LOUDER?
2. Which webcomic has taken the cookie-cutter sideways-smirk into exciting new territory... that had people ready to KILL?
3. Which outer-space TEENAGER appears younger than his own son?
From my mouth to your ears, the facts are the crack and your lips are welded to the pipe. I remain...
Tarkus! In a webcomic! Good lord what a culture flash you gave me today. I haven't seen Tarkus in years. Thanks for that!
Next year if a free-booze situation presents itself and we run into a certain pair of women again, I have a more definite idea of how we ought to proceed. I'm just talking here.
Does this mean you're not going to reveal the answers to those questions you posted?
I don't mean to poop on your freedom parade, but the Sunshine State is Florida - California is the Golden State. Trivia!
As for the premier league snorer - is it Jon Rosenberg?
Jon, one must not ride the donkey of regret or one will find oneself passing through the gates of Despairtown again and again.
What I did (you may not find this useful) was repeatedly punch the wall, then put my head in a bucket for four hours. Then buried myself in the back yard and got my next door neighbour to shoot the dirt. Then I felt better.
Oh. I first read "shout at the dirt" instead of "shoot the dirt". Shooting sounds more serious, unless they were instructed to shout really mean things (possibly names from child-hood playground days).
What you suggest, John, is quite possibly the best way to carry on.
Or you could take it out on Shelley, and start making her expose her cleavages at the office...
Oops, you did that.
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