Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Let's not mess it up

Happy new year, blog readers. Thank you for continuing to read my self-regarding nonsense. I see a bright future on the horizon, harnessing plentiful bamboo, spandex jackets and clean, cheap geothermal energy. It's the future, we made it.


Ragaduffin said...

Woooo Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!
Thank you for your amazing end-of-the-year musical round up. It's one of my favourite holiday traditions. :)

emilyruth said...

Happy New Year! Perhaps now that you've changed your blog subtitle you'll be willing to participate in Post Everything You Eat in Your Blog Month. Eh? What do you say?

John Monteith said...

Does ... does this mean that Mount St. Helens has dried up?

I have this blog on feed, so when I went to read my feeds, I thought, "What the hell have I signed up for now? Was I drunk?" And then when I clicked on it and it was you, I thought, "Oh, yes, clearly."

P.S. Word verification for this comment is "pftdrif" which I'm fairly certain is some kind of slur against me. Touche, mon capitan.

Roman said...

I look forward to telling my future grandchildren that "back in aught eight, we had John Allison's mad rantings, and we loved 'em, by golly!" But my future grandchildren will most likely be mutants of some sort, if things continue to progress in such fashion as they have.

John A said...

"Mad rantings"?

Sparkles F said...

Happy New Year! It's been ages. Also, Jon, I am sure your future progeny won't be mutant library scientists like Roman's, so pay no mind to the mad rantings comment. Unless he is unusually prescient and something will happen this year that will leave you ranting madly.

Roman said...

No spandex jacket for me, apparently!

puppies said...

what are rennies

stefan autsa said...

Rennies are an English cure-all pill type medicine, able to remove various inflictions from leprosy to hives, but mainly headaches caused by excess alcohol.

They look VERY similar to Scrabble tiles. Merriment and knee slapping ensues.