"Omigod omigod do I still own Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morrisette?"
You, you, you oughta know whether you still own Jagged Little Pill, John.
The answer: YEAH!
I am going to listen to it and report back what the twelve years since I listened to it have done to this particular disc.
UPDATE (about two minutes later): I don't think I can keep going much longer
UPDATE (a further minute later): this has to stop right now
"Omigod omigod do I still own Fairweather Johnson by Hootie and the Blowfish?"

My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My Last.fm
Someone please stop him before he puts in the Rembrandts CD.
Of course I owned it. But even in 1996 I knew it was dreadful.
Oh, goodness, no! This is why time was invented, so we could move away from things that seemed like good ideas at the time. But maybe listen to your Alanis CD in another 12 years and then it will be a classic.
At least you missed the entire "Never too hot, never too cold", "You can't do that on television" Alanis.
Canadians were forewarned to her crap 6-7 years before JLP.
QUESTION: is the chapter title "Chilton Takes Charge" a reference to that quintessentialest of British culture touchstones "Charles in Charge" y/n
if so i dont get it??
I listened to Napalm Death yesterday and it still sounds as excellent as it did 10 years ago.
And I've got that White Town album. That wasn't too bad considering they only got one hit single and disappeared after that.
Why not write me an email, "puppies", if you have a question related to the comic. I prefer not to answer comic questions on the blog.
I have "Alanis Morisette MTV Unplugged" in my CD collection here, although my new computer refuses to play it. That's the live version - well, a recording of the live version. The odd thing is that she actually sounds quite good sans all the mid-nineties sound effects and so forth. They do very odd things to her voice on the studio versions.
I remember one of my coworkers putting on Jagged Little Pill at work a while ago. It was painful.
Are you trying to hurt yourself Mr Allison?
I've lost a bet, having been told you might appreciate this IM log:
mike: http://www.amazon.com/Fuzzy-Warbles-Collectors-Album-Partridge/dp/B000ICLTT6
TD: doesn't sound or look real
mike: it totally is
TD: it looks like a made up thing from Scary Go Round
TD: "Ames! Ames! I have just purchased to-day the new Andy Partridge compact disc! It is called 'Fuzzy Warbles'! Look here, on the cover, two spunky future teens riding a 1950s surplus NASA rocket!"
TD: (/shelley)
In deference to this blog, I listened to Fountains of Wayne today. Their first album is still good.
JLP is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I saw her play in Brisbane in 95, and it inexplicably still stands as a high point in my live music watching career.
On that night, the artist/crowd chemistry was just right, and her stage-presence was spine tinglingly intimidating. I've seen her since (in a bigger, more sterile venue) and she didn't pack the same punch.
oh, there's something worse than JLP - JLP Live.
It rears its ugly head every so often on the work music server.
I must admit I went to her concert and wore LEATHER PANTS (trousers, for you brits).
I rocked JLP 100+ times in the summer of 95. I bought it the day I finished school! Not in leather pants of course. But it didn't hit here until the following year so people thought me forward looking and prescient.
Yeah, that fall was pretty much JLP. I had just got out of school and joined the AF, and man, that was some freedom. I saw her in 96.
I think part of it is our fault here in the US. I mean, it only went platinum 16 times. Maybe if we'd shunned it we could have saved the rest of the world.
Well, John, you did it. I stuck "Alanis Unplugged" into my computer again and this time it didn't spit it back out in disgust! According to iTunes it is "Rock", and so (although I have my doubts about that classification) I shall now ROCK OUT.
Fairweather Johnson likes the Braves in '95.
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