Here's a link to the page with all the cards I did, it's a bit of a bandwidth-er so I'm going to take it down in a week.
BLARDS BLARDS BLARDS! The two broken images at the end are The Boy and Hugo, who I never drew.
In other news, I think Quebecor World are about to go into administration so I'm not desperate to publish my next book with them. This has led, alas, to DELAY.

My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My
Those are really cool. A shame I'll never be able to own a set.
They are indeed magnificent.
Not only that, but with a set like that I would finally be able to pull off that mind-reading "pick a card" trick successfully.
What does it mean that they're about to go into administration? Apologies in advance if it's something I should know already.
For "Adminstration", read "Receivership" or "Chapter 11", depending on where you live.
Those are so lovely! I am sad that I cannot remember some of the characters. Guess it is time to peruse the archives again (dang me for giving my California-located brother all of the books).
I would still pay above the odds for these.
Is it wrong to love a computer rendered image? Because that Gibbous card is sultry.
I'm not saying things should or shouldn't go a certain way, but those remind me of how much I liked the illustrator stuff.
charming! if finished with appropriately chosen numbers and suites for each character and printed on nicely shuffle-able cardstock (not too shiny) I would happily pay thirty or more U.S. dollars for a set. It would be like 52 tiny art prints!
too bad it can never be. Your goal is now to become posthumously famous enough so folks will print your unfinished works after you die and offer things in snazzy leather bound cases.
I also would pay stupid money for those cards. And then watch my dad bitch as I make him play bridge with them. Apparently pictures mess with his strategy. Or so he claimed after some rather saucy James Bond themed cards led to an afternoon of losing.
I have hazy memories of almost all of the characters, save one. Who is unibrow-with-Dark-Side-of-the-Moon t-shirt guy?
I just printed them out and played a game of Solitaire, not noticing they were all the Ace of Clubs. An immediate deadlock ensued and my brain seized up like WOPR in War Games.
I also would pay a premium for such spiffy cards. It's depressing that publishing is such a complicated proposition. In a more perfect world, physical publishing would be easier, so you could spend less time on research and preparation and more time enjoying the vast amounts of money sent to you by fans.
Terribly wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
Wow they truely are great. It is a shame that its such a pain to get them to market, as I would pay rather a lot for them!
I, unlike you, are swayed by trinkets!
Unit Daisy!!!
I see why you couldn't print them: They are all ace of clubs. That would have made games of snap effectively meaningless.
Nice to see so many characters in their own space. I'd forgotten half of them existed...
I love that they are all aces... Aces for everyone!
Wow, these are very good indeed. I'm very impressed by the way that the expressions and body language really get across the essence of the characters. That's portraiture.
The only thing you see,
you know it's gonna be,
the Ace of Clubs!
The Ace of Clubs!
Obviously, the trick is to sell them at such a markup that a few sales will cover the price! The trick, that is, if you are fond of bad ideas.
Wow! Seeing is even better than imagining. I agree with mizufae, they are like 52 small art prints... I'd be happy to pay $30 US for them.
On another note, I came across which seems to have decent-ish prices of runs of 55 decks or more... but may not print them quite how you'd like them.
All the best.
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