I'm starting to take a twisted pleasure in these awful tshirt ideas. This one is designed for people who spend a lot of time thinking about the semantic web and tuples.
Whilst I realise a potential market of three probably doesn't merit actually making the thing (I'm no economist mind, but I'm guessing the margins on that aren't huge) I'd totally buy a t-shirt with the tag cloud design on it.
Dr. Music is something I would strongly consider purchasing. I don't even mind the color, although would be more enthusiastic about a grey or navy blue option.
I showed my husband "Dr Music" without reading the comments. He said "Very jolly, but the tone arm's a bit short".
I see you are way ahead of us, though. If it reaches production, I will buy it for said husband even though he doesn't read SGR. Yet. I think everyone should read it.
Happy birthday! Thank you for bringing us wonderful comics day in and day out. I do not think that SGR is hard on new readers at all-- and where can you find such consistently beautiful, witty, and arresting comics?
Regarding the shirts: I've had several great experiences with my SGR shirts. Tons of people love and aske me about the (short lived) sea monster shirt when I wear it, and I've actually stopped a girl wearing an eggbert shirt to gush about it. I'm liking the first and third design in this batch especially.
I just had an awful/awesome (possibly) t-shirt design idea that I want to give to your cause wholeheartedly. It is a shirt with cottage cheese & ricotta on it that says "Whey. No whey!" I think there is a future in the milk-product pun t-shirt business. Definitely a growth market.
Is Dr. Music meant to be a turntable/hard drive hybrid?
He's a Stanton t.60 record player, stop pretending that it isn't immediately obvious. I drew the tone arm too short but that can be fixed!
I'd buy the first one in a heartbeat.
SOLD! I love geodesic domes but I'm sick of telling everyone. Finally I can have a shirt that does it for me.
That's certainly a lot of wanting jonah.
oh man please make the Dr. Music shirt in any color besides kelly green and I will buy it.
I would so buy the Dr. Music shirt - that's fantastic. :)
Whilst I realise a potential market of three probably doesn't merit actually making the thing (I'm no economist mind, but I'm guessing the margins on that aren't huge) I'd totally buy a t-shirt with the tag cloud design on it.
Dr. Music is something I would strongly consider purchasing. I don't even mind the color, although would be more enthusiastic about a grey or navy blue option.
I showed my husband "Dr Music" without reading the comments. He said "Very jolly, but the tone arm's a bit short".
I see you are way ahead of us, though. If it reaches production, I will buy it for said husband even though he doesn't read SGR. Yet. I think everyone should read it.
tag cloud shirt! tag cloud shirt! I! wanna! wear! a tag cloud shirt!
... I wrote you a song.
Hey you havent done a purple shirt in a while. Maybe Dr. Music in purple?
I would definitely get the Dr Music shirt. And you can count on me to buy things when I say seeing as I own "ghost band."
Anyone ever woken up in the middle of the night to the scariest unidentifiable voice mail outside of the Scream movies?
Yeah, guess that's just me.
Rapturous joy! I have always wanted to display my love of record players on my chest.
Happy birthday! Thank you for bringing us wonderful comics day in and day out. I do not think that SGR is hard on new readers at all-- and where can you find such consistently beautiful, witty, and arresting comics?
Regarding the shirts: I've had several great experiences with my SGR shirts. Tons of people love and aske me about the (short lived) sea monster shirt when I wear it, and I've actually stopped a girl wearing an eggbert shirt to gush about it. I'm liking the first and third design in this batch especially.
Wearing the tag cloud tshirt would give me incredible Web 2.0 street cred. Please make this possible.
I just had an awful/awesome (possibly) t-shirt design idea that I want to give to your cause wholeheartedly. It is a shirt with cottage cheese & ricotta on it that says "Whey. No whey!" I think there is a future in the milk-product pun t-shirt business. Definitely a growth market.
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