I had great fun last week making Sarah and Esther's zine. Of course I did exactly the same thing when I was their age! I used to mash things out on an old-school manual typewriter and fill in the gaps with drawings. On one occasion I typed inserts on toilet paper; we made our own fun in the country and I am not ashamed to say it. The important distinction I made was that I only produced one issue of each, which I showed to whoever among my friends I could get to read it (and tacitly acknowledge my genius). It wasn't a vicious rag like Guns For Eyes though, having been burned early on by my "talent" for vicious satire and cruel gossip, I occupied an anodyne space.
I've spent the last three days being jealous of
Barnaby Ward. He's got to stop what he's doing, and stop it now. Amazing work.
Thanks to the SGR blog, John, you were spared at least one incoherent email (Re: Zine) full of wows, oh mans and promises to keep encouraging people to start reading SGR.
That aside though, you and Barnaby Ward are going to make my transition to agriculture happen a lot sooner than planned.
Looking forward to more zine jinxs. I wonder if a limited edition photocopied version would be available for extra authenticity?
Speaking of good art, have you checked out the Cream Of Tank Girl book? I recall you stating an affection for Hewlett, and there's plenty of good stuff in it.
The various pictures were all lifted from copyrighted sources (then heavily edited) so I wouldn't feel good about reprinting it. Not that I wouldn't like to produce something similar in the future though.
And I haven't checked out the Tank GIrl book but it's a gone on my Amazon wish list!
where did you find those splendid pics of the ladies? They look just like your drawings! UNCANNY
I want to read the rest of it, even though I know there is no rest of it.
That girl has legs for days. I would thing that Barnaby Ward has a rich imagination if it wasn't for the fact that I have three girlfriends in real life who have legs exactly like that.
Go the Onstad route and make the actual zine for sale in your shop.
As well as badges. C'mon. Badges!
Shelley's tongue peaking out is the most charming, adorable thing I've seen in ages!
What on earth is Tom's Diner doing in a British 'zine such as this? It has far far too many scruffly American college students to feed to be self-aggrandizing! (although, it did pick a classy webcomic to self-aggrandize in)
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