I'm still trying to make the brush work. Brushwork. Brushwork work. i figure I'll have to do a few dozen like this before the process is anything like predictable. So here's number 1. Maybe there will be another, it depends on problems.
I'm such a sucker for this medium. Varying widths and swooshy strokes just add a certain I-don't-know-what to linework. It's a great fit with the deleria style, too. Slick!
Ray, Red Dog, how many more disclaimers do you want me to write in my introduction? This is the roughest, rawest work, the newest thing. I just thought you might enjoy seeing it.
I'm such a sucker for this medium. Varying widths and swooshy strokes just add a certain I-don't-know-what to linework. It's a great fit with the deleria style, too. Slick!
>>>I want more Scare-O-Deleria!
I want more cake, but I'm not necessarily going to get it.
Mr A, in my opinion the brushwork work works fine.
Ray, Red Dog, how many more disclaimers do you want me to write in my introduction? This is the roughest, rawest work, the newest thing. I just thought you might enjoy seeing it.
I like most anything John A does, but is that Riley or Amy?
ray - just like to say that that position is not impossible. I just tried it myself to make sure, and I'm not even female.
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