Sunday, June 22, 2008


Oh look what is #6 on a Google search for "Chinese Democracy review". That's right, now everyone expects the beaver thing with eyebrows.


polianitsa said...

It's real?

I am so out of the loop where this crazy modern music is concerned that I had honestly thought you had made up the whole thing.

I suppose I'll have to dust off the Victrola at some point and give it a listen.

Roman said...

Hack the Matrix, John.

fontgoddess said...

You're moving up in the ranks. The review seems much better most any album could ever be.

starwed said...

I'm seeing you at #2 here! You're beating out the nytimes and rolling stone but still losing to spin...

John Monteith said...

I laughed and laughed, and when I couldn't stop laughing and wouldn't stop reading, I laughed and cried.

If only the surreal bits were also true.

If I had a band, I would hire you to write the liner notes, and then people would buy the album, throw the CD away, and keep the notes.

Carly Monardo said...

This is why Chris and I said you should make a music comic! About ROCK BANDS