Read a new interview with me at Comixtalk! Features a picture of me in an awkward position!
I get the sense from feedback I've been receiving that perhaps two weeks of guest comics was too many. Unfortunately I do have to take a break from time to time or my brain will fail - the recent, somewhat competently plotted stories you've been enjoying require extra work in the planning stages.

My comics: Bad Machinery - Scary Go Round - Giant Days :: My Shop :: My Flickr Sketchblog :: My
An awkward position and an awkward question - did you sink the black ball?
While I miss your day-to-day comics, you do deserve a break every now and again. It is good to know that there is long term plotting and scheming going on in the back rooms while we enjoy the diverse smörgåsbord of guest comics.
Can I just second that? I'm really enjoying the guest fortnight. People obviously love what you do so mch that they've started rattlin' for some Allison juju though.
Dowse arouse!
Ignore the complaints about the guest comics. Nearly every webcartoonist gets those. Mostly they're from people with an exaggerated sense of entitlement regarding content they get for free, people who think webcartoonists should work 24/7/365 without a break for life. Sod them. Their opinion counts for zero.
Those complaints might have some merit if the guest spots were sub-par in terms of writing and/or art. (Or if, like some amateurish cartoonists, you just posted photos of your cats or lame sketches of yourself at cons for two weeks.) Sometimes that happens with other webcartoonist vacations, due to either poor judgement in guest selection, or just last-minute desperation, on the part of the regular cartoonist. But in your case, John, I can say I've enjoyed every single one of these guest strips. It certainly helps that each year you open the guest spots up to a wide pool of contributors, so that you have a choice as to which strips you'll feature.
I hate to hop on the complimentary bandwagon, but I would definitely agree that 2 weeks of guest comics is fine, especially when they are of such a high quality as the ones that have been going up.
P.S. That picture is really bizarre
I have a similar problem with barmaids and jukeboxes.
The guest comics rocked, and everyone needs a break now and then.
The kvechers can go Cheney themselves.
BTW I thought Simon Perrins and Lissa Treiman were the best, as well as the bloke with the long strip dealing with Rachel and Tessa (can't find it since you seem to have taken down the page with all the links)
Not that anyone's paying me to think here.
Despite the fact that I wasn't a finalist, I am superbly puffed up after seeing a quality fashioned link to my Rachel and Tessa Return to Sender Vera is going to Murder Me with maybe a Smile comic.
You have made my day, and if even one person liked that, it was worth all the effort.
I know the guest artists appreciated the guest fortnight (because I was a guest artist). It was a blast and I enjoyed all of the other entries as well! Also: you updated on the weekends with guest comics. That is a classy thing to do while on vacation.
Sadly, the website for your interview is down and I cannot comment. Alas.
I liked all the guest comics. Seems to me that you inspire excellence. And such an inspiration deserves a couple weeks off.
Bah! It was fine. Any longer would have been bad, but everyone needs a break.
Despite the fact that I wasn't a finalist, ...
8:11 AM
If you are referring to my poor comment preceding yours, I enjoyed it very much and would like to see where you would take that story line.
M. Allison's comments really need date stamps. Just a humble request.
I loved the guest comics! I had no idea there was so much talent out there.
What I really miss is the readers' comments at the bottom. They made me keep coming back to the page throughout the day, and made me look much more carefully at what you'd drawn. Please bring them back!
Ally, the comments were taking a turn for the worse, degenerating into some rather unpleasant behaviour. There were some really mean comments posted n the guest strips as soon as I turned them back on, and I don't feel like giving people like that (a tiny minority of the readership) a voice on the front page. I am going to give them a rest for a while before bringing them back.
It might be an awkward position... oh, but it is a sexy awkward position.
I, uh, I can say that right? Can't I? John old buddy?
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