I have a lot of sketches knocking around for prints and posters that, as you have probably guessed, I will never make because of certain problems. Here's one that I quite liked, but should really be a poster for a rock show.
For example
+Bob Groke
and Jimmy Giggles

At Manchester Dog & Other Dog
Would you ever consider making a sorta super-secret sketchbook of Unmade designs? Because that would be really keen. This particular example is particularly fantastic. Plus, fake rock show posters are the best.
There has been talk of the super secret sketchbook or "ideas book" but like the good squirrel I am most of these nuts are buried for re-examination at a later date. I have 8 or 9 sketchbooks jammed full of pictures like the pages I posted a couple of days ago so at some point I'm sure there will be a harvest.
Ah man, it's a shame that ones on the scrap heap 'cos I really like the boxing gloves amy. I'm thinking, a nervous looking shelley in the background and that would make a neat print
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